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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by bullhusk

  1. Mark, Funny thing about a Cummins, my cousin had a International (Donald Duck) that had a V8E-265 Cummins, I think they were pre 903's? well that was another truck that would start up in cold weather!! I sure wish I could find one of those CCC (imitation Macks) they rode and pulled good!! And they were real E/Z to work on! It's all good my friend Ernie DS AKA BULLHUSK
  2. Sounds like you might have owned an International TD-24 at one time??? LOL!!BULLHUSK
  3. I know I'm gonna take some fire for this (esp. from Mark) I was a big Cummins guy when I was still wet beheind the ears, then in 1971 I went to work for Colonial Sand & Stone out of NYC, from 1962 they started powering there trucks with Detroit's (there is a picture of the corn binder I used to drive,on this site some place) 238's in there mixers 262's in the 15yd mixer trucks and 318's an V12-71 in there tractors and 149's in ther Tug's. I have never in my life seen a motor take what ever you could throw at it an still keep running!! We would drive them trucks in traffic,stop an go stop an go and then pull on a job site an mix your load (engine up against the gov. for about 20 or 30 min.) Not a Cummins no way!! every 2 or 3 years or so the pan came down on those trucks and they did the rods and mains in em and if you didn't you put windows in the side of the block!! In the winter, I don't care how cold it got, those Jimmy's would start with just a shot of starting fluid! From that time on I was sold on Detroit, and even today I power my trucks with them (series 60 an the new DD- 15) I don't know if any of you guys have ever seen one of these: but I drove a Crane Carrier tractor for Colonial that looked like an RS700L Mack!! It had a V8-71 318 with an I-beam frame, all the cross-members were welded in place: CCC called it there Uni-Frame, even the CCC mixer frames were built like that! What A sharp lookin truck it was RTO 9515 an 4.11 rears, not to many guys could keep up with us! say what you want but if you knew how to keep those 318's between 18 an 2,200 an drove em like ya stole em and not like a Cummins or a Cat.... Nobody in your HP class was gonna catch ya!! Thanks Guys BULLHUSK
  4. Yes thats it Trent ''bulls eye'' please get me a priceThanks Ernie.....ernie67rt@aol..com
  5. Lookin for an aluminum fuel tank for my RL, the tank on the driver side is off a K/W not good!! The tank on the pass. side is Mack, the tank is about 24'' round, maybe 40 or 50 gal ?? If any of you guys have one for sale please let me know Thanks BULLHUSK
  6. Rob, Where can I get a pair of those?? and do they come with matching skirt and hose?? Mrs, BULLHUSK......LMAO
  7. Ron, I don't think my P&P is a dial a ride, it does have a spring like a hendrickson but upside-down, and a trunnion bar in the center like the old Timken's that you would see on the older A-Car's. As for when they stoped using the steel cabs? thats hard to say, my Mack is a 71, but I have seen 73-U mod's with steel dashs, so I guess if you wanted the old style back then and if they had them you could order as an option. BULLHUSK
  8. Water in the fuel, also a lot of the Cummins power trucks came with one fuel filter, I know most of the A-Cars we had only came with one fuel filter. Just pull the fuel filter an see if there is water on the bottom, also let the truck over night and drain the fuel tanks and see if water comes out. It's been a long time now, but I think your gonna need an inch pound torque wrench to put the injectors back in an re-adjust the top end of the motor. If it's an NTC-400 BC-I ithink I have all the spec's some placeErnie DS
  9. Rob, Water is the Cummins PT (Pressure timed) pumps biggest culprit, if the RPM's don't return, and sort of just float? thats a sign that the pump is going bad. Also if the RPM's don't max out, thats also sometimes pump trouble! As far as going 140 miles ? I don't know ?? I've driven some of these Cummins powered trucks for months with these symptoms so I guess it's a crap-shot Good Luck Ernie DS
  10. Thats just what I needed to see !! Thanks BULLHUSK
  11. Gregg, I am sure you will do OK, I have a couple of former owner drivers that work for me, and I've got to tell you that they are the best in the business!! Cause they know there truck's!! The guy that hired you is lucky to have you!! Good Luck and GB BULLHUSK
  12. Thank You Guys for all the info, I did give it a little thought about hammerin out my own..... But after bustin my right foot this past week, I said to myself himmmmm????? falls out of hand... onto left foot...... left foot in plaster..... right foot in plaster......wheel-chair rental ===== Buy new ones!!! Thanks Ernie DS
  13. Does anyone know where I can get the bottom cab corners for the early R cabs not the plus 3 cab? Thanks BULLHUSK
  14. Rob, That's the same truck I went to look at last summer. I also posted pictures on the site, the frame is in bad shape and if you look at my pics you will see that some one cut and welded and recut and welded! The guy that ownes the truck called me on Friday and asked if I still had an interest in it , I said yes and he said I could have it for $13,000.00.......... Now I asked you guys what you thought it was worth and most of you guys said it was worth about $1,000.00 to $1,500.00...I also informed him that there is one in Washington State with a V-8 Mack transplant, with a roll-back body that is complete and in running cond fo$ 11,000.00 BULLHUSK PS Well I did it again!!! I broke my right foot yesterday...and HOLY shit did that hurt!!.. 4 to 6 weeks no truck no driving!!!
  15. Would that be a Mack Six Seventy Tree?
  16. Back in the 60's there was a Brockway in Jersey like that and the guy put a 673 Mack motor in it
  17. Vinny never ever dislike any part of your roots! Remember you are an American first, and then you are what you are and be proud of your heritage, cause some day you will have to teach your own kids, and then you'll take them for a ride in your U-mod. and tell them all about It's heritage!! LOLBULLHUSK
  18. How about the concrete co's......... Like Generoso Pope (real name Papa) he was the owner of Colonial Sand & Stone Co. of NYC (I worked for them) he also started Pope Foods and owned the LL Progresso ITALIAN NEWS Also he founded the Columbus dad Parade in NYC.. You might have heard of his son Gene Pope who owned the National Enquirer BULLHUSK
  19. Rudolph Valentino Sophia Loren Ettore Beimi-Alessandro Tose Radio Direction finder Enrico Bernardi First Petrol engine Giovanni Branca steam turban 1629 Mario Clandra First Seaplain 1911 Alessandro Capra first speedometer for coaches Bernard Castro Castro Convertible couch Enrico Forlanini Inventor of the Helicopter 1899 and HUDROFOIL 1900 Lernardo da Vinci Autro Malegnani Incandescent lamps and Phosphorus 1895 Felice Matterecca & Eugenio Barsanti enternal combustion engine 1854 Geovianni Battista Pneumatic Rock Drilling Machine Antanio Pacinotti Dynamo 1858 Electric motor 1858 Raffaele Piria Salicylic Acid Acid Active Ingredient in Asprin 1839 Sansone Valobra Inventor of Matches Michelangelo Saint Valentine Valentines Day Enrico Fermi Father of the Atom Bomb Galileo Ferrasis Rotating magnetic field Guglielmo Marconi Wireless Telegraph 1896 Augostino Ramelli Hydrulic Motor 1558 John Cabot (Giovanni Caboto) Chistopher Columbus Amerigo Vespucci (America) Alessandro Volta (Volts) Electric Battery Do ya want to take a Jacuzzi tonight??? Thank the Jacuzzi family!! Thats just a few of us good Italians!!! I was gonna list some famous politicians but I think they are all in JAIL!!!!! LOL Ernie Delli Santi 100% Italian American!!
  20. Ron, My RL700 has a P&P from factory, 4.5 Mack rears The truck is a 1971 with the steel dash, an V12-71, mine looks like a cross between a Timken & a Hendreckson sup. BULLHUSK
  21. If it's an RD cab I think the front is different then the R 6&7's
  22. It's A freakin TRAIN!!!!! ...Had enough yet?? O-one B-big A-ass M-mistake A-America..........More Hope and change?? are hope is dwindling, and you give the guy at the gas pump a 100 dollar bill and get no Change!
  23. DITTO
  24. If you guys get a chance tonight, watch Bill O'Reilly's talking points on Fox News 2/23/12 I posted the above on Jan. 1 It's what I've sayin all along It's ' WE THE PEOPLE' not 'WE THE OIL COMPANY' Thanks Ernie DS PS Are you out there PanteraPilot?????
  25. I'm with you Superdog, don't sell the truck unless you get your price!! If it were me, I would keep her for a few more years and hopefully things will get better (money wise) in the USA!! That RL700L that I bought last year, I believe is the only RL left with the V12 Detroit, the owner has one just like mine but they put a E9 500 Mack V8 in her, I think there are 2 steel ones left one is junk and the other one is a real nice one!! Good luck either way my friend!! BULLHUSK
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