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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by bullhusk

  1. I think I might of saw one with parts in the Wheels of Time (on line)BULLHUSK
  2. Looks like one of those oil field trucks? A-Car used that grill well into the 60's, there was a guy back in the late 60's by the name of Albert Scalatti from Pomton Lakes NJ that had about 50 of those A-Cars with HRF- 195 Cummins engines in them, he also ran those gas job Ford tandems I think they were 477's & 534's motors. The funny thing about the Fords was that in the winter the guys used to turn the tail pipes up towards the body to heat the bottom so the dirt wouldn't freeze! BULLHUSK
  3. Does that mean your not gona come an see my dirty dozen R7??
  4. I have never ran one of those acrapers, but I've told that the guy on the push dozer can make ya or break ya at the end of the day..... Ernie DS
  5. We all crawl before we walk Mate, welcome to the jungle and hang in there,maybe some day you will have one!! BULLHUSK
  6. Yes I know what your sayin Joe so do I !!
  7. Thats OK Joe, I'll let ya have all the short nose Brock's LOL!! Ernie DS
  8. Could be a Sterling, looks like a Sterling cab?
  9. Yes that's my 361 that I bought out of NY State 3 years ago, it was parked in a garage along with a 360 with a 1693 Cat motor! The 361 is a Super 250 with a 5X4 Airmatic, the truck has just over 100,000 mi on her. I did have to do the motor over last year cause of the liners, I do use the truck for myself i do not let anyone drive it... Mike the car on the lift is a 66 Plymouth 40- over 383 with 2- 500cfm Carters Mancinne T- Flite trans 3.91 rear I ported the heads to match the gaskets and some other stuff, under the cover is a 66 Dodge Coronet 440 with 65,000 mi, it has a 273 V8 auto with a radio delete, dog dish cap's I want to make a 426 HEMI HP2 clone car out of it. I also have 1- 65 Coronet 500 conv. with a # matching 426 street wedge 4-speed that needs a resto and 3 other 65- 500's that i'm working on. At home I have a 67 Coronet RT with 48,000 mi on her, tree shift auto turbine red with a black vl top and white int. A SRT 10 PU and a HEMI Challenger.The cars in the yard are parts cars, one is a 66 Coronet 500 sm block the other is a 67 Imperial with a 67-440 closed chamber heads with the big auto trans. those motors are getting harder an harder to find!! I will take some pics when Spring comes along. I just love old Mopars and Brockways an Macks!! A lot of these cars were bought over 25 years ago, so i didn't spend to much for them, I don't think I would be able to by them today with the $$$$$ that people are asking for them today..... And I won't sell any of mine!! LOL Thanks for askin about themRegards BULLHUSK
  10. Mark,I forgot to tell you that i bought a fiberglass hood and a +3 cab with the deal Ernie
  11. I got a buddy of mine that bought a CO Brockway with a sleeper, now listen to this, the truck is a factory V12!! The cab is shotttttt!! so he did take the cab off, but I think the truck would look better with a day cab? But he wants to find a sleeper cab!.... This would be the perfect clone! what do you think? BULLHUSK
  12. Where are they getting parts for these trucks?? Thats part of the prob. that we Americans are going through Volvo has stoped Mfg. parts for the old Macks something that Mack was famous for !! Like Cat today (American owned)... you can still get parts for a U2 or a 20-A??!! These machines were made 40+ years ago BULLHUSK
  13. Now with that being said.......The polls say that OBAMA will win a second term... HOLY SHIT we are done!!#$%@&^ sad BULLHUSK
  14. It's very sad last year I missed out on a nice R700 that I had in the palm of my hand and didn't give Devino a deposit (V8 Mack) I went back 2 days later and the exporter got it!!! 3 years ago the same thing happened to me with a V12 Brockway U360 in NY State, 5 minutes before i got there an export guy pulled out a brown bag with cash and bought it!! That truck was loaded into a container! Sad !BULLHUSK
  15. OK, Thanks gg2 BULLHUSK
  16. What's the most HP you can get out of these Cummins 350's on a rebuild?? Could you get 500 HP out of them without blowin windows in em?? And what would I have to change on the engine, if I do a rebuild to get to that HP? Thanks BULLHUSK
  17. I'm thinkin the same colors as the F-Liner, but using the same lines (smoke stack lighting) still a good deal of work to be done Ernie
  18. Thats what I thought it was with a Mack grill, until Mark's post, then I saw where the steering wheel was!! Boy if you look at those Brockway prototype pic's it sure looks like the same truck!?
  19. Another motor that came with the deal (350 Cummins) + Another set of fenders and battery boxs an air tanks Ernie DS
  20. There is carboard between the tire an the end of the bumper, so please don't give me hell about it!!! LOL I know ... you guys must be sayin GEEEEZZZZZZ puttin the tires against the bumper!!
  21. My '93' Petes
  22. TIRE DAY!
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