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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by bullhusk

  1. one of the newer ones
  2. Motor is done an truck is ready for the body shop
  3. Here are some pic's I took today BULLHUSK
  4. BEER!! Helping white men dance since the 40's, and how about DICK NIXON!!....before he dicks you!!!!
  5. I would like to buy that truck,,,,,,,,, and fill all of my Dem. friends pools this summer, and also all the politicians that i know, since there all full of shit anyway BULLHUSK
  6. Over here in Jersey we have a lotta White Castle joints, if you drive past them on a Sonday morning you will see about 35,000 W-C boxs all over the parking lot!! I wouldn't even call them animals, cause Even the animals bury there trash!! BULLHUSK
  7. Didn't the Israeli Army have those cab over tractors with the Mack Bull Dog on the front grill have 800-hp E9-V8's (they pulled those D-11 Cat armoured bull's) How the HELL!!! could Mack not be mfg. part's for these?? BULLHUSK
  8. Boy wouldn"t it be nice if someone out there (maybe a dealer?) could start building older trucks with newer components (of course without all the EPA stuff) and sell them as older refurbished units? There's a Mopar dealer called Mr Norm doing something like this now with, I think it's the 68 Darts, he turns them into the Hurst HEMI Darts of the 60's and for a COOL 150,000 you could own one! I hope the trucks would be less then a new one BULLHUSK
  9. I brought home a Brockway 761 yesterday! A nice solid truck, motor is a Cummins 250 that needs work, but the seller had a 350 with a Jake Brake that he threw in the deal (he says it runs good) extra fenders and another front grill, he gave me a lot of parts with the deal, the truck also has a Spicer 5X4 airmatic like my 361!..... Well I came home tonight and I did not find my clothes and suitcases on the front lawn & I fed the dog's part of my dinner 1 hour before I dug in! So far the dogs are still alive so I think I'm safe!..... Pictures to follow, I did not want to send my phone pics cause they did not come out to good so I will take real ones on Monday..... Also I've been working on the RL700, getting the drive train in order, but I have been overwhelmed with other (real work) shit!! So I find myself falling behind!! SOOOO I've been thingin,,,,, should I send the RL out to get the cab and interior done?? And do any of you guys recommend anyone?? Or am I just panicing, unloading the 762 yesterday and seeing all the other trucks just put me over the edge!! HELP!!!! BULLHUSK
  10. There were a couple of dealers a few years ago that would take the sleepers off and put dump bodies on these OTR tractors, I think the FED DOT put a stop to them? They could sell them with a GVW of between 50 or 55,000, but the body would have to be cut down, unless you put a lift axel under them. I think the FED.'S say that your reg. GVW cannot exceed the factory GVW of the combined axel's of your truck. That does not stop them from exporting them!! You gotta see some of the stuff that gets loaded on to these ships! I have even seen Cabover's with new dump's on them being shipped out! BULLHUSK
  11. Nice bubble cab! Does the steering column tilt with the cab? Cause I think some of the early ones did not!, you had to take the seat cushion out of the bottom driver seat, if that is the case, I would put a safety chain around the back of the cab!! Ouch!.... It looks like a REO Gold Comet Motor that they also used in the White's, they were good motors, (they called them zero engines, the bore & stroke were the same) and I think there are still parts around for those motors, if you wanted to fix it.. Nice old White !! Good Luck with her!! BULLHUSK
  12. Wern't they up in Shuu-staa MA?? Ernie DS
  13. No Easy Run, Johnny Cash BULLHUSK
  14. Mark, How about Bilkays/Jersey Coast Trucking originally from Nwk. then moved to Eliz NJ, U.S Trucking NYC, McLeans (Sea-land orig. name was Pan-Atlantic started by Malcolm McLean), Mason-Dixon Lines, Oneida, MTS Bulk carriers, Cement Express, Johnson Motor Lines (had those Emeryville corn binders), Maislin, Midwest Emery, Monfort, J-Lines, Ringsby Systems, Camel Express, Hermen Bros, BULLHUSK..... PS Thers a Johnny Cash song out there, where he names all of the trucking co!! I can't remember the name.. I've been everwhere man maybe???
  15. Yeah!! Canny's Trucking & Penn Yan's Brockways!! What A Time It Was!! BULLHUSK
  16. Mahons Express Nwk. Gross & Hetch A&P Trucks (all Brockways) Nwk. Lombard Bros. Nwk. Benard Baron Trucking Nwk. Monarch Motor Freight Nwk. Stratford Motor Freight Nwk. (had the first stright truck in Jersey pulling a trailer back in the 30's an 40's.) Spiegel Trucking Harrison NJ. Matco Nwk. MEG & Ship Tank Nwk. Associated Nwk R.E.A (Railway Express Agency.) Nwk. M&M Trucking (all B Macks red with Budd wheels) Cooper Jarrett JC. Warner Continental JC. Denver-Chicago (D-C) Time Trucking (became Time D-C) Boss - Linco JC. Walsh Trucking JC. How about Yale Trucking out of NYC ? All blue LJ Macks BULLHUSK
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