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Everything posted by bullhusk
Nice job Rowdy!! I've never had to chain up,thank GOD! I don't even know if would know how!! LOL Maybe some brass wing nuts? looks a lot E/ZR then those Consolidated Freightways trucks I used to see with the chains hangin off the side Happy New Year Ernie DS
First off I'm not moaning, I'm just another American fed up with being screwed by Exxon an all the rest of the oil co's, an if your not then go back an count your Exxon stock. Secondly if you go back and read my post I never blamed the pres. and if you voted for the guy then maybe you should go and look in the mirror? You do know that the tax payers give the oil co's money every year... do they not? so who do you blame for that, the guy in the mirror? Maybe, as I said in my post we have to vote in people who will work for us!! and not Corp America.The point of my post was to inform anyone that does not know that we are selling off our NG and Oil to other Countries at a higher price, then they should be informed, I don't see it on the news do you? and you won't! Also I do know how it work's in the American free system and the politics involved as opposed to dictatorships of other countries,again if you read my post, and stop moaning about how it will affect the share holders. What I'm trying to say is that it has to change!! we have to stop putting regulations on the oil companies and start putting laws into effect that when the oil is extracted from our soil the oil co has to give the American people a break! first and utmost! and not lining the share holders pockets! but that does that excuse the big oil co.s today from not helping American's that can not heat there homes? Again I said selling to the higest bidder is good business but that has to change, if the oil co's are making billions of net profit, there's room in there to help us Ernie DS
Yeah Mark, Maybe a R-220 I drove a couple of R-190 an 200's in my day an couldn't tell the diff. between them except one had a 406 gas motor and the other had a 502 inline 6 with a 4 barrel Holley an a split exhust manifold with duel exhust!! 5speed OD and 2 speed rear a very fast truck and pulled it's ass off! I remember on the dash it said Inernational Roadliner, the only thing I didn't like about them is that you almost sat on the floor! Ernie DS....PS the guy who owned those truck's was I Spiegel Trucking in Harrison NJ, Thats the same guy that I was tellin you about that had all of those 359 APA Brockway's an the MB 400's stright trucks
Agreed, thanks Rob Ernie, Oh by the way ......Thats Billions in net not millions! How stupid of me!! LOL
Mark, That looks like an R- International with the nose ext and the diamond plate on the front, boy that was a nice cool lookin truck!! The guy my Dad used to moon lite for on the week ends had one like that but without the sleeper an was a twin screw Ernie DS
First of all Happy New Year to everyone, America's top export? Gasoline Diesel and Jet fuel!! Thats right people check it out!! And soon to follow ? Natural Gas!! All that gas we are getting out of the PA & NY shale gets loaded on tanker's and brought down to the port and sent to China Thats right China!!! So this is what I see happening over the next 10 years or so... First off after Obama is sent back to Chi-Town (HOPEFULLY!!) an the drill baby drill people get there own way, (and I hope they do) all of the crude taken from our country will go into the OPEC pool, now we cannot let that happen again like Alaska, I'm pretty sure tax payers paid for the pipe line, but most of that is sold to Japan at a higher dollar!!Good business?? Yes, but what about the American People?? Where do we fit in here?? If we become mostly self suffient on oil that we the people own then why should we pay OPEC prices?? We should not be selling our oil period!! we should refine what we need and save the rest... for us!! Then you will see the price of fuel in this Country go down to .50 cents a gal. Those of you that think I'm crazy, just think about it for a minute.........VZ. Chavez bad guy right? (and he is) he is the only oil producing country that sends us cheap oil for people that can't afford to heat there homes, all the US companies with millions in net profits...NET!! refused to do the same, VZ and all the Middle east Countries sell there oil to ther own people @ below 1.00. So my friends when are we going to do something about it?? Well I guess we can start next Nov. But... we have got to keep an eye on the oil that we are going to start drilling for in the Mid West as well as th Natural gas that we are now gettin from PA & NY State!! We the people of this country are gonna get screwed big time if we don't watch our Elected Officials!!We have got to let them know that we are in control an that they work fo us!! By the way ya know the only one thats has talked about the way we get screwed by OPEC an China??? Donald Trump!! and some people think the guy's crazy!! Well I don't think he is! Over an Out BULLHUSK
It was that MF from MF Capital Corzine that enacted the toll hike to pay for the Billion dollar tunnel job that Christie shot down.buttttt....... Christie could have squashed it but did not!!! he now said that we will use the money for roads and bridges!! he also could have stopped the PA bridge an tunnel hike but did not !! so in the past 3 months we got hammered twice!! I have to tac on 5 dollars per ton just to brake even on just the PA &TriBoro bridge tolls, thats not even counting the NJTPA an the NY fuel tax!! It just is not fun anymore, but It's what I do best so I guess I'll just have to keep on pluggginnn aaalllloong as my POP would say Happy New Year's Ernie DS
Jan 1 630 AM NJ Turnpike....53% GS Parkway 50% the old 25 cent basket toss is now $1.50 !! Now tell me again why I can't have a monopoly and raise my rates 53%??? I think they call it Collusion in the Busines. world!! only the oil co. ang Gov. can do that
I got a visit today from a friend of mine that wanted to see the RL700 V12 that I'm working on, he was telling me about some shit that we won't be able to use these older trucks for everyday use by 2914?? Do any of you guys out there know of any of this shit coming down the pike?? I use my 361 Brockway all the time and I'm going to put a shit load of money into the R700 for me to use during Cement season! Here In NJ you can't put QQ plates on if you are going to use it for commerical use. Right now if you pick up containers in the port of Nwk. or Eliz you have to have, i think it's a 04 or newer truck or the Port Authority will turn you around. You can't even buy a glider kit any more unless you put a newer motor in it!! Anything you guys out there Know about this 2014 law or is it just Bull Shit!! Thanks BULLHUSK
When I'm playin around with my old MOPARS I always use can paint, I use the gloss black for the rad. an MOPAR sells the engine colors in spray cans but I don't think I would paint a fender or a whole car with a spray can... I have seen some stranger things in my day, like the guy In Newark NJ that was painting his ford Fairlane in his driveway with a spray gun!! Ernie DS
WOW Mark!! I've seen this truck years back at a truck stop on RT-78 in PA when it did have the 238 in it, I also talked to the owner, i'm sure it was the same one cause he also was haulin steel coils, I am glad to hear that it's still out there!! Ernie DS
The big joke will be on us if he's elected again!! BULLHUSK
I don't know maybe it's me??? But has anyone heard any of the Rep. running for Pres.talk about the price of a barrel of oil?? And this 'hasn't got a clue Pro Golfing Pres.of ours' keeps telling the American people just how bad things could have been if he wasn't elected!!! but not once have I heard him talk about the price of oil?
NJ Truck Pictures
bullhusk replied to David's topic in Antique and Classic Mack Trucks General Discussion
I'm A gonna call a buddy of mine tomorrow Billy Hiler, who runs dumps in that area he'll know what the story is on them. The F- looks like one of HI-HO's CT trucks from the 70-80's....no?? Ernie DS -
One of my fond memories of a B-67 was, back in 1969 being a 15 year genius (NOT!) my uncle Fred handed me a Westinghouse Air Brake foot valve to change!! It was a very cold day in Jan. of '69'......some times I still wake up in a cold sweat after reliving that NIGHTMARE!!!!!! every finger cut! hit my head on the bottom of the dash and steering column,getting those GOD awful screws out of the floor-boards and trying to get those air lines started!!! never ever again!!! BULLHUSK
I guess now we know where to get all our B-F&L parts...... South America!!!!LMAO BULLHUSK
Now we just have to get Stephen V12-71 to get on the Mack site!!! BULLHUSK
check your TPS make sure that it works free when you release the fuel ped.and don't wash the inside of your cab with water cause if they get wet they don't work, it's worth a try
Mack Australia getting a 685HP mP10
bullhusk replied to ThaddeusW's topic in Modern Mack Truck General Discussion
You are right on the money !! what a great lookin truck it would be!!..........But...... and here I go again...... It would out sell there Volvo and Volvo sells a lot of sleeper tractors cause they can't sell heavy dumper/mixer trucks we don't want them!! they are junk!! -
parts scams
bullhusk replied to berryman's topic in Antique and Classic Mack Trucks General Discussion
The same guy responded to my ' Wanted V12 tractor Mack or Brockway' I also told him to send pictures.............................still waiting BULLHUSK -
Ha!! wait just a minute there!! I thought we had Mr. Wall Street in New Jersey..... His name was Jon Corzine, and we all know how well he did for us in NJ.....Where the hell did that 1.2 billion go??? Hell I don't know!! was it my turn to watch the back door? Jon Corzine pres of MF Capital
This is the way I see it, could you see Obama debate Newt? Do you think Barry knows American history ? Has he balanced four budjets like Newt did under Clinton? Do you think Iran would be gettin away with the stuff they are pulling with this guy in Washington with Newt?? I think that in his heart... Newt knows what has to be done he has done it before and I know It's just eating away at him just as it is to all of us, about how this Pres. is sending us down the tubes...fast real fast. Romney is power hungry, he already has all the money he needs 275 million, and I don't thing his heart is in it!! look just last night he tried to bet perry 10,000 bucks on the air in the debate.....see its all about money to him. I know he's a good business guy, but if you look into a lot of his deals, he did make money for his partners but he also cut jobs doing so. Also Romney has never sat in a room with Dems. an Reps. an got things done! Newt has, an right now guys we need a guy who tells it like he see's it an tells us how he can fix it an thats why I think the Dems. fear Newt
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