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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by bullhusk

  1. We gave the Japs the power to almost put the auto industry out of buss.and now we are giving it to the Chinks!! But Obama an Jeff Ameltdown (GE) say they are our friends!! So do you think our friends will give us our Drown back when Iran hands it over to them!! or do you think they will pull it all apart !! Pres R/R would have blown the shit out of them already!! (Iran) BULLHUSK .....Newt G for pres.
  2. From what I can see.... It looks like 5 feet 12 inches..Yup zactly 5 feet 12 inches
  3. D12 ?????? OH WELL ..Thats my boy!! Did someone say Brockway?? OH YA!!! I do know where there's one with 38,000 orig mi. on her, it's a 1974 360-U V12 13 speed never had a 5th wheel on her!! asking price..... 135,000 US dollars!!! BULLHUSK
  4. Hey there, Ernie Sr. is on vacation on the beach in Aruba but wanted me to get this up to you guys as soon as possible. I hope you like it as I broke it down to three parts. Sr will be back this weekend to talk about it. Ernie Jr. <object width="400" height="266" ><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="movie" value="http://www.facebook.com/v/10150425354569049" /><embed src="http://www.facebook.com/v/10150425354569049" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="400" height="266"></embed></object> <object width="400" height="266" ><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="movie" value="http://www.facebook.com/v/10150425364289049" /><embed src="http://www.facebook.com/v/10150425364289049" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="400" height="266"></embed></object> <object width="400" height="266" ><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="movie" value="http://www.facebook.com/v/10150425374604049" /><embed src="http://www.facebook.com/v/10150425374604049" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="400" height="266"></embed></object> I hope these links work
  5. 4000.00 ????...back to the garage to hugggg my trucks!!
  6. WOW!! .....Paul that was good stufffff, I have a couple of Cannon Ball movies that i sent for on line that came the other day an that was also a treat!! Ernie DS
  7. Workin on it with JR. thanks! BULLHUSK
  8. Mack DM Dumper-Mixer, when you ordered a mixer the DM came with the longer frame out front for the mixer pump, I think the Mack DM 600 was the best truck for a concrete mixer, the truck would do anything you would ask it to do BULLHUSK
  9. Thanks Mark! I would just love to have one some day (Bighorn) I think Tony Youngblood's got em all down south LOL!! BULLHUSK PS I can't get my video of the R700 with the V12 running on to the Mack site!!! It's Pissin me off!!
  10. So sorry to hear of your loss Ernie and family
  11. Seeeee Rob, we are not always a day late an a dollar short!! LOL Ernie DS
  12. When I saw these Titan's, I was thinkin, what happened to American Loggers I haven't seen the show on TV anymore??
  13. What a DAMMMM shame! BULLHUSK
  14. I would use this one for 'PLOWING ONLY!!' even in the summer!! Looks like it has a better sub-frame
  15. WOW! I would have loved to have driven one of them! My Uncle had an HD 20 A-C bulldozer with a 6-110, needless to say it was a great dozer an would push anything you dumped in front of it! We also had about 6 IH TD24's they also would push there ass off, an with 2 speed steering! The only thing you needed was a full time Mech. an about 3 sets of cyl. heads! One more thing, we also had an old fire truck on the dump that had a hall scott mod. 440, don't know if it's the same motor but this one had HEMI heads an dual ignition it was a power house but they had soft cranks, and if you pushed them they would break! BULLHUSK
  16. I know where there is a nice low hours 6-110 Detroit motor that would be real nice for this LT! What da ya think? I don't think a 6-110 ever made it under the hood of a truck BULLHUSK
  17. I've never seen a B61 with a concave cab, I've only seen B67's with that cab??
  18. Firemack, I'm still on the mend at home but maybe next year, both rob's and my V12 powered RL's will be finished an make it to the Gerhart line-up!! 'Come-on rob we can do it!!' Ernie DS
  19. Is the White Compact CO an the MB Mack cab one in the same? BULLHUSK
  20. otherdog, he's the one taken the pictures!!
  21. This is all good news! (I think so anyway LOL) I have been kicking this around, and would like to start using NG trucks in my fleet. You know the State has to figure out how to get ther Road Use Tax out of it! I've been warned about it already! BULLHUSK
  22. Mark, There had to be thousands and thousands of those MB's in the Jersey area years back jez! just in garbage trucks with 25yr Leach packer's! where the hell did they all go?? I had one, an MB 400 with a 20 yd leach, with a Mack 465 (not the Scaina motor) with a TRD-77 trans. No power but it wasn't a bad truck. BULLHUSK
  23. I've only seen one Mack bus, and it was one that my uncle turned into an on site office on the land fill that he had in jersey years back. One thing I do remember is someone bought the motor, so we cut it out of the bus, it was one of those Lenova engines (not to sure of the spelling) but it said Mack Lenova engine on the motor BULLHUSK
  24. The used motor oil at my shop is cleaner then Obonehead an his crew in the Whitehouse!
  25. other dog, You know the old sayin 'where theres smoke theres fire' Well when ever one of us kids would twist our ankle or burn ourselves my Mom would wrap the injury in egg/whites an gauze and your were fixed up! So I would have no doubt that it worked, only for the simple fact that the 'old timers' believed in what they did would work!! BULLHUSK
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