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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by bullhusk

  1. Fred, Sometimes if you can't get help from the site?? Just Google the type of engine ie Super250 Cummins 1693 Cat, an most of the time it will give you some leads on where to look!! I myself have used this many times with excellent results BULLHUSK
  2. bigen, Yes I knew you were talkin about Mack, it just seems like every truck mfg.(in my case Peterbilt) has some years that are just a lot better then others, even if you order the truck the same way like I did, but yet the newer ones were junk? BULLHUSK
  3. OBAMA 2012 South Carolina!!!!.....NO! Oh well to late now! I hope you learned somethin!
  4. Why is that?? Ya know I went down that same road with some Pete's that I owned, in 1993 I bought 4 with 430 series 60 Detroits, I'm still running 2 of them with over 1,000,000 mi on them!!! I just keep rebuildin em!! But now, I had 2 99's an 1- 2000 same speck as the 93's.... An they were JUNK!! the rear end housing's cracked, they would just shut down (no warning) had the trucks at Cambria Peterbilt over an over again an could not find the prob. then when warnt. was up they started charging me!!! an that ended my Pete days BULLHUSK
  5. Mark, You just answered my own question!! I almost forgot, I'm from Jersey, why would they do it the cheaper way?? Ernie DS
  6. Why would they not barge it down an then truck it inland?? BULLHUSK
  7. I like the paint job!.... Tomorrow night @ 8pm...Them!! TCM with James Arness
  8. Mark, It's those real good paying jobs that keep America on the move!! ie; the people with those jobs are the ones buyin new cars an houses, an stuff!! The poor guys makin min an low paying jobs are not! an THAT! my fellow Americans is where we are at now
  9. BINGO!! It's a home run! an thats what I told my Freightliner guy last Friday...Fliner wants me to buy there trucks an then they put mexies to work? Now what the F#$K is wrong with that picture!!
  10. I'll prob. be there, but I have a question?? have any of you guys brought trucks? if so how do you go about doing so? I have one of my Brockways in PA not to far from the show. thanks Ernie DS
  11. Thats it mowerman! what old steve jobs does not understand is that if you keep sending your work to china? well then let them by that crap! because we are not working so we sure don't have the money! thats why American trucking co are doing the right thing when they buy Mack trucks! more Americans work more buy stuff, more stuff needs to be trucked!.....By the way.. they are nice lookin trucks!! BULLHUSK
  12. It's really nice to see Mack commin along, buildin trucks in the USA an putting American workers on the payroll!! Especially after seein the news tonight, an the state of our economy plus the high unemployment numbers!! an then seein our Pres. tellin a crowd of people at the Chrysler Jeep plant that we are on the road to recovery??? What the hell road is he drivin on ?? The one around the Whitehouse maybe?? This guy is completely out of touch with reality!! Right now Mack Truck's is perfect example of how to put Americans back to work; Ok Mr. Pres. heres how it works,'The train leaves! NOT the station!' American co's, build there products in the USA, this means puttin Americans to work OK now some of those American Co's that Manuf. stuff made in China bring it back to the good old USA.. now more of us are workin, an now more of us have money to spend.. so that means we buy more stuff... An guess what happens then??? WE HAVE TO BUILD or Manuf more!! an then we have to hire more people an then more people pay taxes!!! An then the rest fixes itself Cause we aint goin nowhere if we don't start followin Macks Leed here!! we HAVE TO BUILD HERE AN MANUFACTURE HERE and the rest will fix itself. I have had my differences with Mack in the past, but I will tell you this, I'll be lookin at Mack when It's time to buy new trucks Ernie AKA BULLHUSK PS The new Freightliners are built in Mexico! The salesmen has been put on notice
  13. Those big boys, FF2346 are not big enough to pull that weight??
  14. WOW, This Fella Mark, moved in across the street about a year or so ago, an we got ta talkin an thats were I got that info!! I'm sorry if It's incorrect. WOW that still is a lot of corn!! I have a rail yard in JC NJ (small) I have about 900ft of my own track with 2 spurs an 2 switchs an 140ft of platform to unload box cars. I bring in brick for a co in MA an store it an truck it out, the funny thing is... Con Rail still does the drilling? it comes from Oak Island Nwk. to Bayonne an then to me. I also have silos that I rent to Cmex an they bring in Flyash from St Louis Mo. an then we truck that out to a lot of concrete co's an block co's BULLHUSK
  15. WOW!! My neighbor (Mark) is an Engineer fo N/S an he was just tellin me that he pulls over 300 of those tank cars into I think Raritan center? every day, an then it goes over to China from here BULLHUSK
  16. believe it or not, I used to use dark gray lacquer primer, mix it thin in a steel container an brush it on the tire, the tire would dry lookin like a new flat black tire BULLHUSK
  17. Them!! that also had Fes Parker aka Davie Crocket also James Whitmore that was another al time great sy-fi from the 50's
  18. truckpaper.com....Then click on Oshkosh also rockandirt.com
  19. R-Model 600 maybe?,looks like 44,000 or better rears,tractor has 2 air cleaners,maybe has V8 Mack OR Detroit motor??
  20. I think before I spent that kind of money, I would check an see what the Military had for sale, like a Oshkosh HET? some of those tractors can haul the kind of WT your lalkin about, and some have like 0 miles on them,an can be bought right! BULLHUSK
  21. Thats what I thought it said!!
  22. THE THING FROM OUTER SPACE !! TO EVERYONE WHO COULD HEAR ME TONIGHT, THE SKY! KEEP WATCHING THE SKY!! KEEP WATCHING THE SKY!! James Arness the plant from outer space, one of the best, if not the best thriller ever made back in the 50's
  23. Rob, The older RTOO 9513's we had in the Mixers, wow they would howl like a bad pinion bearing in the rear end!!! They were always noisy esp when you got er goin she would scream! But the grinding?? I don't know??
  24. Albert, I always like to take RT-22 not 78 but RT-22 west to RT-100 south right into town an they will direct you to parking areas BULLHUSK
  25. Thats ok mowerman, We are Americans an it's allowed!! It's the ones in this Country that are NOT American, an that take advantage of our freedom, an free speech(the things that our Vet's fought for). They are the ones that have no right to bitch!! An that's all they do is BITCH BITCH BITCH BITCH!! I see them on TV every day tellin us they aint gittin enough free shit!! Free food, Med.care, housing, an to top it all off??!! they pay no income tax an do not have to fight for this Country!! BULLHUSK
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