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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by bullhusk

  1. randy, There was a truckin co out here on the east coast called Wilson Freight,they must have had 100 of those long GMC's my friend Rocky was a mechanic for them an they were all 318's an they were LOUD!!! but they ran the piss out of them an you could not kill em!! BULLHUSK PS I think Wilson Freight was a Midwest co out of IL
  2. Hey Mark, I just love when some of the Volvo guys tell us how Volvo SAVED Macks ass!! Don't ya think it's the other way around?? I kinda ,sorta think Macks savin Volvos ass!! LOLOLOL BULLHUSK
  3. Also sometimes it will tell you on the Mack door tag, esp. if It's not a Mack engine. My RL700 has V12DD an the ser# of the engine under the truck ser# on the door tag on the driver side. What model R do you have? I just love the R'S!! Ya know what I have not seen in awhile?? a U Model with a Mack V8, years ago Matlack an MTS out of PA used to haul cement with them U's they could scale the axle weight in Jersey an were good in the NYC streets cause they were short BULLHUSK
  4. Detroit V8 has 2 heads & 2 valve covers & a blower like a top fuel dragster sits right on top between the heads, A Mack V8 has 4 heads & 4 valve covers,an an inj. pump that sits on top between the heads, besides, both have there names on them someplace BULLHUSK
  5. Mark, Coulda came from Fruehauf's yard in So Kearny?
  6. Mark, Great Coastal, boy that brings back memories! they had a yard in Kearny NJ My home town, they used to park 3or4 F-Liner CO's there BULLHUSK
  8. As for what a time it was... an what a time it is;.. Well today we honor our Men an Women in the Military. For when the time it was, an for what a time it is today!! I would like to thank all of you serving today, an also thank all of you who have served our Great Country in the years gone by...But most of all; My Heart goes out to the Families whose Loved Ones gave the Ultimate Sacrifice...an for the Disabled Vet's.There are not enough Thank You's on GOD'S green earth!! But there is one thing that we all know...Because of your service an sacrifice we still have our freedom,an we still live in the greatest Country in the World!! So with that being said Thank you Again an GOD BLESS YOU ALL AN YOUR FAMILIES BULLHUSK
  9. I'd take it but @ 5'9" 290lb I I don't think I would fit in the cab!!!
  10. I just love the look of those CO F-Liners!!.... The one I would like to have?? How about one of those F-Liners co Day Cabs with a V12 71 Detroit like the ones Kingsway from Canada used to run!!Yah now datts what I'm talkin about!! those are some nice pic's guys keep em commin!! Ernie D
  11. Ok!! now I get it!! Aren Trading will buy it an then relist it for 14,500!!
  12. Gary W Gray Trucking out of Delaware NJ ran a fleet of about 50 or 60 R's an 427 CH'S 100% Mack.. Today? not a one,he had the same prob. Mack left him hi & dry back in the late 90's so it wasn't just me... But it looks like Mack has got there act together? seems like there sellin a lot of trucks,an thats a good thing!! Ernie DS
  13. Lmack, I never had a 12 speed; but have heard nothing but good things about them!! I also know of a few guys up my way who took out the 2090's an changed the bellhousing an put 8LL Fullers in there Macks Ernie DS
  14. I don't know...Maybe I just got a bad batch of Maxie's back in 1987? but I bought 4 new R600's with 300 6speed's (2stick) 4.17 Mack rears Rayco sup. for pullin cement tankers. After the firest 75K it started with the Ambec inj pumps thay started to wipe out the inner bushings then I had to put a spare fan clutch in the trucks along with a set of belts, then there was the bushings in the water pumps!! So my Saturdays I was changin water pumps, belts an fan clutchs. So I said the hell with this so I went an bought a couple of Superliners with E6 350's an T2090 trans, 4.64 rears with the new Robert Bosch P7100 inj. pump!! no more pump trouble!! I instead started braking shifting forks in the 2090 an blowin up the trans an I do mean blowin up!! thats what happens when a trans gets stuck between 2 gears!! Now after the 2'nd trans. Mack tells me that they make a new shifting cover with heavier forks an rails!! OK that's nice but what about the first 2? well anyway Mack never stepped up to the plate for any of the above. I now own F-Liners Classic's With Detroits an I have yet to have an issue with warranty an even when is over they still give me some help. Maybe Mack has gotten better? But I del. to a lot of concrete co's in the NY Metro that used to be 100% Mack an are now Western Star an front discharge mixers! the drivers I talk to don't much like the front loaders (cab is to small) but they like both W-Star an Mack for driver comfort an handling. Ernie DS
  15. That truck has been for sale 4-ever!!
  16. I did not know Mack had a Piscataway location? I have seen Plainfield & Somerville NJ, an did they build trucks there?? Ernie
  17. Thanks for the info guys,so I guess what your saying is there are no n.o.s. parts from Mack? I won't be starting on this until I get the 66 Brockway done, cause that does not need a lot of work, basic sand blasting some new mount an paint. I's just lookin into the parts avl. on the 71 Mack cab, so I can start collecting some of what I need before I start. Also I'm going to change it over to a 12 volt neg ground an trash the s/p switch, also I will look into reaching out to some W-Coast parts guys for a door, it's not bad but alum is not E/Z to work out the dings an bends!! An Again Thank You for your help!! Ernie DS (BULLHUSK)
  18. Does Mack or anyone make interior parts,like dash panels with the off-set gauges, door covers an interior covers correct gauges for those years?? an also I could use an alum. driver door? A couple of guys had told me to use a newer style cab, but the cab that I have is in good shape! It's just the old style steel dash, an I want to keep the truck as original as possible Thanks BULLHUSK
  19. Just look at Co's like UPS they don't even want the truck manuf. name on the truck!! I think the only thing left on the Mack is the Bulldog after they are done prepping it for the road
  20. How about we seperate them an put one in a Superliner an the other in a R700??....Oh an then buy a Gas Station LOL Ernie D
  21. GO an Google Mack mp 404x then click on photo gallery for Ralph Ralcliffe ErnieD
  22. I have more Pictures but for some reason it will not upload them! I even tried starting a new topic! I took some pic's of the pass. side, as well as some pic's of the under frame an mounts, but the pic's will not upload !! frustrating!! Rob, Hope these will help for now, in the meantime I'll seek some Geek help !! Ernie D
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