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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by bullhusk

  1. Let's see if this works Rob! Ernie D
  2. Some of the tandem tractors from the 60's did not have front brakes, I was told in NJ if you have one of these trucks that you have to put brakes on the front axel would any of you guys have the correct answer ?? Thanks Ernie D
  3. OH WELL!!! It was good while it lasted!! I knew it was to good to be true !! OK on to the next guy!
  4. Rob, stayed home today, hope to be in Jersey City tomorrow to get those pic's for ya

    Ernie D

  5. "Alemite" One of the only grease guns still made in U.S.A. air or armstrong powered Ernie D
  6. We found a Cummins dealer in western PA that has the OEM parts, 1,500.00 plus 17% to overnight; 6 liners 6 seal kits rod bearnings 24 (4 bolt rods) rod bolts an nuts, washers 6 ring kits head gasket manf. set & pan gasket. I'm finding out that these Super 250 Motors are not cheap an the parts are not E/Z to come by!!I'll ask about the full kits. Thanks for the info Ernie D
  7. OK, pulled back head today, found liner cavation (holes in the liner) thats what I call it anyway! so I told the guys over a the F- Liner shop to pull all the heads an install 6 new liners an rings an rod bearings. They did confirm that the motor was rebuilt, it had the newer style heads an injecter seats also when he pulled # 5 piston he noticed they were Cummins Reman as well as the wrist pins an rods! It's just a bad case of the truck sitting an not being run (the older A/F didn't help). Now listen to this Cummins does not have the liners!! do you beleive this!! 60 days an they will have them! they are available frome Federal Mogul, so I told him to go ahead an get em I'll just have to hope they are USA made an they work! Ernie DS
  8. Just keep on truckin bob!!! thats all we can do!! remember 'there's always hope with WIRE & ROPE' Ernie DS Just passin throuuu................
  9. Mike, I would be happy to send them to you; But it seems that I flushed the instructions along with the new nuts an washers down the toilet! OOOO...WELLLL!! I'm just happy that I'm wakein UP!!!!LOL Ernie DS
  10. Rob, My dad used to use GO/JO (original) he always thought that oil would cause the O - rings to fail premature, some guys even used brake fluid (old school stuff! crazy? I don't know LOL!!) we use all the new type A/F in our trucks an even drained the older ones (recycled) an replaced it with the new stuff. I have done a lot of these Cummins Motors with my Dad years back an they are a pretty E/Z motor to work on compaired to the older Cat an the 2 Cycle Detroits. Ya No the older I get the more I second guess myself!! Back then I wouldn't think twice about tearin into a job like this no matter how long it took! Today? I'm lookin for instructions on how to change a toilet seat!!
  11. Rob, Are you saying pull all 3 heads or just replace #5&6 liner (#5 is the one thats leaking) I was going to replace both, but if you think pulling the one head would would allow the other liners to move, then that would be no prob. I know the guys at Cummins never liked pullin one head they would back off all the head bolts replace the head re-torque an keep your fingers crossed! I don't know if I would trust a Cummins head gasket that much! Also I guess my thought would be; if the rubbers are in a dry-rot state (from age an the old style anti freeze)on 5&6 the rest can't be far behind? Thanks for your help an input ErnieDS
  12. Rob, Should I pull all the liners an replace all the O - rings or just the one thats leaking? If the liners look good I'm thinkin just re-ring the pistons an glaze brake the inside? This motor was done about 7 or 8 years ago an has about 5k on her so everything inside is new! Ernie
  13. Early last week we pulled the pan down an pres. tested the motor an found water leaking down inside # 5 (O-ring side)so we put the pan back up, filled it with fresh oil an put water in NO A-F. I drove this truck 90 mi west to my F-Liner dealer in Northamton PA. They dropped the pan an found no water in oil? So they put a pres test on it on Thur. afternoon, as of Sat.12 noon still no water leaking down??? Anybody? Ernie
  14. Mark, That Co. Chicago Mfg. Co.Built the cab's for Crane Carrier CCC. Colonial S&S had A shit load of those one seaters, Also I think it was VanBro had a couple of those as CCC tractors. Just cut the sleeper off an take the pass side off an Wa LA !! The mixer trucks were ugly an they where hard as hell to get in an out of, an if you slipped off the step gettin out....you fell 5 feet to the ground. An to drive one?? Just put a steerin wheel in a phone booth an sit on the floor for 8 hours!!
  15. Mark, Those Jack/Offs don't worry about "offending" anyone when they chop an Americans head off! Now do they?? I just heard the latest about Bin Laden; It seems that when he was confronted by our guys (USA) he pushed his wife towards the soldier an he looked scared an confused! Sure sounds like there leader to me!! Maybe he was confused when the Seal said "Were here to collect on a debt" he prob. thought it was the Pakistanie Gov. lookin for May's rent money? Ernie DS PS We all know that Pakistan didn't know he was there right?
  16. That I think about sums it up! I know I couldn't have said it any better!! An yes I am also bitter.. an I'm dam tired of seeing "The Great I AM" Me Me I I I. I Directed I ordered IIIIII I am the GREATEST!! An then there's the flip side of the "Great I AM" It's "WHO ME?" Earthquake? Bush! Hurricane? Bush! Unemployment 9%? Bush! Bad Hair Day? Bush!
  17. Mark, Apparently these muslims are not very well versed on bin laden an his crew??.... Because along with the thousands of unarmed American civillins he an his crew killed on 9/11.. they are responsible for killing thousands of his own (muslims) around the world!!So F%#k im all BIG an SMALL!! that is what I think about any muslims that think bin laden was 'un-armed'. Besides any pictures of the DEVIL that I've seen?? I don't ever remember seeing him armed ? have you? Ernie BULLHUSK.....PS no offense taken
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