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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by bullhusk

  1. OK Good deal!!!! ERNIE DS
  2. It almost looks like the new K/W
  3. The towers were my backyard in JC NJ every day I would look out my office an look at those two towers and say 'wow where you gonna get a view like that' they were only about a mile or so across to river . My son and a couple a my guys saw the whole deal and to this day my son still don't really like to talk about it. I worked on tower II pouring concrete curb an sidewalks back in 71 72 for Colonial Sand And Stone and it was one of the wonders of the world RIP to all who lost there life that day and God Bless all of the families who lost a loved one on that horrible day
  4. If our presiden had any balls he could bring Russa to its knees by stopping all banks and credit card co's from doin business there! also he can stop all corn and wheat from being sent over there! starve the people and they will turn on this guy! But as you all know Mr Dick head in DC excuse me The DICK HEAD we have in DC has NO BALLS! Did you catch him last night?? One the eve of 9-11 the first words outta this guys mouth was ISIL is not a muslim group!! Hellow there stupid did they not say that they will not stop untill the musilm flag of Allah flies over the Whitehouse! Jesus age Christ what the hell goes through this guys head besides air? I'm actually waiting for him to tell us George W Bush in running that group! That statement last night was a slap in the face to the whole country
  5. Joe is yours a 12.7 or a 14 liter my older 12.7's naver gave me trouble only when we got the 14's with the bigger redesigned pan did iI have some issues, no big deal unless the rear main seal had to be replaced! one P-I-T-A to put in and you best start the engine before you put the trans in to see if it leaks! Almost impossible on a Wester Star unless you have a spare trans bellhousing or take the one off your trans which is a real ass pain! Ernie D PS How are things? I hope all is well with you and the family, and lookin foward to seeing you and you wife again! Maybe in FL again and see if we could meet up with some of our southern buddies and talk trucks!
  6. when your ready to sell the R700 pm me BULLHUSK
  7. also make sure your rear main seal is not leaking I have about 22 Series 60's and have replaced oil pan gaskets just to find out it was the R M S if it is then the trans has to come out and you should use the correct tool to remove and install the seal, don't worry most a the time it's just the pan leaking! but do as Glen says and get the newer hardware BULLHUSK
  8. Mark, The Brockway name tag on the rad. shell on the older Brocks like the 260 155's were bolted from the inside, so if you had to replace them you would have to take the whole shell off!! So my dad would just use stainless steel rivits on each side and save a couple a hours work!! BULLHUSK
  9. I drove an R-220 with a 501-6 cyl for a friend of mine back in the early 70'S just for a couple a trips, but man what a power house! It had a big 4V Holly with a split exh man with dule exh.!! 5 speed over with a two speed rear very fast! I know International had a 406 but I never seen a 401? that don't mean they did not make one but I have never seen one? BULLHUSK
  10. How about the garbage guys in Jersey with the MB'S and the DM 600'S !! and today try and find a MB Mack around?!! Roselli had about 100 MB 400'S with 25 yd Leach Packers ..... Zero to be found BULLHUSK
  11. WE call it gravy here in Joy See
  12. My uncle Frank had 2 big ass Dodge Jod Rated single ax (big) dumps with the 413 flat head dule carb 6's he used them for cover on the land fill. 5 speed 2speed rears! I am not sure what the cu yd was of the body but they were big and they hauled it with no prob.! He also had a Dodge power Wagon from the 50's that he used for a lube and a pump truck to carry the water pumps in case of a fire BULLHUSK
  13. Mack would have been better off if the Germans (Dem Benz) bought them! At least they would have let them go out on there own an have given the US market what they want and not tellin them what they should have! BULLHUSK
  14. Notin wrong wit dat!! BULLHUSK
  15. The first glider I ever saw was a Mack R with A motor , called a 'Power glider' It was white with undrilled frame raills!! But it looked good!! Heres the catch...... Volvo does not want to make the older parts,the older Mack parts that is!! BULLHUSK
  16. I have had the same thing happen just last month on a new U-Joit about the same size as yours and also about 3 weeks old! The problem I see with mine is that the retainer on the cap was not holding the grease inside the bearing and when it got hot it just ran out and bingo!! I took it back cause it looked to me like the retainer (plastic) melted and failed leaving the grease to run out!! BULLHUSK
  17. Hope all goes well Pual and that she is back to work soon! BULLHUSK
  18. Mark, Bayonne Block had a Tractor that pulled one a there Fruehauf tub's had that same hood but it was a short nose with the engine in the cab! It had a Cummins 335 4X4 Spicer trans. talk about rare! well they rolled it an it was cut up! But back in the day they had some big powered trucks with KT 450's and one Road Boss with a KTA 600 BULLHUSK
  19. Superdog (Mike) I think could help you with info and maybe even parts, I have bought parts from Mike and he is a stright shooter and will help you if he can BULLHUSK
  20. What was the Model # of the D-7 with the 4 cyl turbo charged motor, I was going to buy a nice one here in Jersey back in the 90's but was told that they were under powered and not a very good model? It was a nice clean machine with low hours but just had the motor done, just didn't seem right? BULLHUSK
  21. Chrysler claims 20plus MPG twin turbo
  22. Anyone like me who likes his Mopars, Google 2015 Dodge Challenger Hellcat, then tell me what you think!
  23. Unfortunately in the end it wound up the other way around! Mack gave it to the Huskie good and hard with no lube! I know it wasn't the Bull Dog's fault he was just doin what his master told him to do BULLHUSK
  24. I could never understand why someone would adv. a truck for sale on the hook of a tow truck?? It just gives me a bad vib-er-ation in the buyin part a my brain! (whats left of it) BULLHUSK
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