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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by bullhusk

  1. WOW Mark, Those were the days !! ya know when the girls went to school with dress's; And you could see there face's, & the boy's wore caps an not turbens!!!!
  2. Maybe he's got a BBQ grill under that hood??? Could be built in Mexico? Ron Popiel one that didn't make QVC?
  3. HOLY SHIFT !!!! It does look like a V#$VO hood!!
  4. I think it was 205hp turbo-charged
  5. Sorry to say I'm one of them!! In 06 I bought 4 F-liner Classic's with the 475 Cat A-Cert Motor,now I have always been A Detroit guy even when the 71's an the 92's were out there!! So the Cat guy gets wind from the sales guy at F-Liner about the 4 units, so he comes down takes about 2,000 bucks off of each tractor an gives me every reason why I should not buy a motor with a EGR set up(how long will a motor last that eats there own S_ _T) But what he forgot to tell me is I was only gona get 3 mi to a gal of diesel!!! Ernie
  6. Whats up with that???, CAT putting there name on an International Cab?? What are the guys at Freightliner thinking?? Let the Germans buy the Brockway name an build a truck with a R cab an a new style hood like a Superliner or 6&700 hood using there new 13,14,15or16 liter motor!! What truck do you think truckers would buy?? BULLHUSK PS I know Volvo prob. still owns the Brock. name; But who would want a Volvo Motor in there Brockway??
  7. I used to use a A.S F. but parts are nowere to be found an they were a pain to rebuild, I also had some Hollands but I didn't like were they put the slider piston (under center of 5th wheel) so if you have to get to it it's dif. So I started using Fontaine no-slack about 5 years ago (there slider piston is E/Z to get to) an they auto adjust, so far so good! BULLHUSK
  8. An didn't the Volvo Corp. guys announce Today they felt so bad about the way the Brockway deal went down years ago that they are bring back the 762 with a V12-92 OMG It's gona be a KILLER a real KILLER!!!!.....AN Volvo's name will be on the valve covers!!! I'm so excited!!!! I can't wait!! BULLHUSK
  9. bullhusk

    My Survey:

    #9. Rev. Al Sharpton #10. Rev. Jessie Jackson #11. Spike Lee
  10. the superliner with the 500? If thats the one; It still sits in my buddys garage, he's been holding that truck for me for over a year now! It's just that these other trucks have been popin up an I couldn't pass on them. I never gave him any money caus he didn't want any, he said the truck will be here when you want it !

  11. Now that would be A class act wouldn't it!!!! Ernie DS
  12. Rob, If he was at the same bar that I was at yesterday afternoon I could understand the Question, as a matter of fact I went back to the picture an counted the holes in exhaust mani.last night just to make sure!! LOL!!! It's all in good fun!!! Ernie
  13. "Bulldog man," That be a 12V-71......Ernie
  14. RTO125-13 I would like to find a nice 15 over to put in it's place. I always liked the 15 speed trans. Colonial had them beheind the 318's, they put the deep reduction button on the shift knob using a 13 speed selector that made it E/Z to shift progressive Ernie PS Thanks for all the GOOD LUCKS guys!!!!
  15. I spoke to the guy I bought the R700 from tonight, he said he has the other RL700L with the E9V8 that he wants to sell, that truck also had the V12 71 but he repowered it with the V8. That truck also is one year newer then mine an has the newer cab,an also has a roll back body on it,the truck is posted on Mack classified Ernie D.
  16. An the new trucks also don't make enough noise!! I'll bet it's gonna look good pullin a cement tanker, I don't know why but the older tractors look better pullin the tankers.... Ernie D.
  17. Mark' How about that! I looked at those headlights yesterday an said the same thing, but someone must have cut a duel light pocket from a superliner an fiberglassed it into the hood cause it looks like a factory job! The inside needs some TLC one door needs (alum.) welding an the dash needs some work, nothing major though. I would have liked the Plus 3 newer style cab but I like the old style steel dash. I plan to start on this tractor right away so I can use it myself when I drive as the season gets going(I hope It gets going soon). The motor runs I just have to pull the Inj.s out (there froze) an start her up an see whats up but I'll prob. just pull er out an have my 2 cycle guru go through the whole thing. Ernie
  18. Mark, The R700 came in yesterday the pictures are posted on the site Ernie
  19. Now those are the words of a true proud American Trucker !! An the truck shows it BULLHUSK
  20. #22 This is the last pic.!! sorry for the multiples, I'm not too good at this yet!! Ernie BULLHUSK PS I'm the big guy with the tan shirt
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