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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by bullhusk

  1. Lets try this again!!&*^%#%
  2. Having trouble uploading pics. Working on it now!
  3. I wonder what motor they will put in there new Western Star's?? I know they were Cat guys so now It's gotta be Detroit or Cummins. I'm runnin one of the new DD15's 500 hp for about a year an a half now pre DEF an so far so good!! The only thing I don't like is the Columbia, but at the time that was the only truck you could get the DD15 in. I love the Classic cab I think It's put together good an simple I still have a 1995 Classic with close to a million miles on her an she still works every day, I don't think the Columbia is gonna last that long....
  4. I'll tell you what!! That could top anything Larry The Cableguy could muster up !!!! LOL Thats Great!!! BULLHUSK
  5. The back of the cab is probably cut out for a sleeper so instead of doing it the right way, someone just covered it with sheet metal
  6. Point well taken!! As a mater of fact I got a call from non other then Sweet Polly Pure Bred an she also told me to lay off of the other Underdog!! OMG am I in trouble now!!!
  7. Hi Alex, Good to hear there was no damage by you, are you near Tnvercargill, home of Burt Munro Worlds fastest Indian?? BULLHUSK
  8. Mark, I'll tell ya when enough is going to be enough!! when all of the work goes to China & Mexico were there is slave labor!!! an our Mc Donalds an Dunken Donuts workers can't pay the rent then nobody will have money to buy that cheap shit!! Don't forget; the people in this country that make a decent wage are the ones who buy the new cars an used cars along with a lot of things that people making minimum can't buy, so..(an I could see it comming) when all the factories close, an every clothes maker an truck & car manufacturing move out??? Then there WILL BE NO MONEY NO MONEY!!! to by there shit!! an then there gona be stuck with it. Now us guys running trucks?? well I guess we'll just have to park em because we won't be able to by fuel an nobody is gona be driving a car caus they don't have a job to go to any way!! Ernie AN PS I have no disrespect for anyone in this country who has to work for minium wage,I have been there myself a few times an it ain't pretty but you do what you have to do...In 2012 we need to take back America
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