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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by bullhusk

  1. ColonialTruck0001.pdfMy first mixer 1962 International Emeryville 238 Detroit (671) 5x4 double over 65000 lb bucket rears Hendrx. Walking beam rubber mount suspension top speed 65 mph. 11 yd Rex top load horizonital mixer chain chute (no hyd. chute).This was my first Concrete truck, the year was 1971 I drove that truck for 2 years before I got a Crane Carrier with a Smith 12 yder. hi/boy self loader with hyd chutes!! that had a 238 also with a 10 speed over R/R with a 3 speed OD. aux. The company was Colonial Sand & Stone Co out of NYC a great Co. to work for at that time An "What a Time It Was" BULLHUSK Ernie
  2. Been to Tractor Supply lately? Well I needed a ratchet binder last week, an as I see you guys all know there are no more realy good supply stores around !! So I take this made in CHINA (so what else is new right?) binder with 10 ft. of small chain throw it under one of my Plymouths to bring home from my shop in J.C. as I start to tighten it, it snaps in half on the inner part of the threds. Now granted it was a small one but I have ones that were my fathers that are over 40 years old!! but of course I took them out of the trailer when it was at the house an forgot to put them back , But thats another story. DO any of you guys know of any of these big supply stores that sell good US made goods ?? BULLHUSK
  3. GearheadGRR, First off let me say this,I realy hate using this site to talk about all the BOLOGNA that go's on in Washington DC. But when I read stuff like this 3.8% capitial gains tax on our homes (when we sell,) on one of my emails it just stings me like a branding iron!!! So the first thing I do is GOOGLE- (3.8% federal capital gains taxfrom new haalth care bill).If you guys do this (GOOGLE)you can read all about it. Again a lot of us out there are home owners, an we realy need to know this stuff! an the only way to find out the truth the whole truth an nothing but the truth is for guys like us to find out on our own CAUSE THAY AINT GONA TELL US!!! THANKS BULLHUSK
  4. Got a email today guys, Heres how it read, A 3.8% Fed. sales tax will be imposed on anyone selling there home after 2012,this is part of the new health care package (OBAMA CARE). Check it out guys What A time it is!!! ERNIE
  5. 3000 Toys.com, I guess I fit right in their with you guys!! I'm still lookin for the Matchbox Cooper-Jarrett Hendrx. doubles, also the Dodge Fruehauf double dump trailers. I have seen a few on line but they were parts trucks!! Ernie
  6. Boy, If that don't look like the So. Jersey F.D. truck that had a tanker with it, I'm sure it went to MA.or NH. It was a 325 Maxi V8 with the Maxitorque 6 speed no Jake, I don't remember what it sold for ? BULLHUSK
  7. Mark, I think? the guy in PA. was Cook Bros. or Cooke's or something like that? Ernie DS
  8. Clifton, I have done a few in my day, but for me to post it would take me 2 hours!! It seems what you want to do is is not that hard an I think I could walk you through it. If you wanna email me @ ernie67rt@aol.com I'll give you my phone # just get yourself a pad & pen & call me GOOD LUCK BULLHUSK
  9. 41 chevy, THATS GREAT, funny LOL!!!!! sad but true Ernie
  10. bullhusk


    randyp, Chinese Asphalt?? I think thats # 84 on the menu
  11. Speed, I also own nice 361 Brock. I've thrown out the idea on the Brockway Web about getting all the guys making repro grills,fenders an any parts, what ever is out there, and form a web site for one stop shoping!! Well needless to say....I got no feed back none, zilkch, nodda, so like a Gypsy in the night i will prevail. BULLHUSK
  12. It's great to see that Mack just got another big build order !! Now maybe thay can start building some parts for older Macks? No.... maybe?? BULLHUSK
  13. An then there were none. Well said Rob, an what a time it is!!!! BULLHUSK
  14. My only wish this year? I hope the Rep. Party pulls in NJ Gov. Christie to run for Pres. Could you see this guy at a Presidenlial press conference?? I think it would be great to see someone with balls to fire back at the left loon press. Remember NOVEMBER It's almost here It's our chance to get this *&^%#$@ woman out an back to San/Fran were she belongs. An to all you folks in Delaware don't listen to all the bologna about the woman Rep. running for senate, if the Republicians lose DE Pelosi may still keep her job!!!! BULLHUSK
  15. I guess I should have Posted " What A time it was... What A time it is. & What A s_ _ _tty time it's going to be!!!!" Well guys it looks like for us truckers, the light at the end of the tunnel is a train!!! BULLHUSK
  16. Thanks Guys, I guess it's not just me,two weeks ago the fan belts came off my (91) CH613 they didn't have them in stock, so they had to Overnight a set in!!! FAN BELTS !!!! But then again like Mark said you look around an you see chrome this & chrome that CB radios 36 in steering wheels mudflaps hats pallets of batteries, and the list goes on. It's not just Mack though, Foley Cat has a three week wait for you to get your truck in for warnt, work (A-CERT) motor. SO WHAT A TIME IT IS!!! AMEN TA THAT BULLHUSK
  17. What a shame, We got guys on this site lookin for parts for F Model cabs !!! are you kidding me!!! Mack does not make parts for these trucks any more. What the hell is going on in America today, I remember as a kid (mid 60's) going to Newark NJ Mack with my dad, you could have bought a set of fenders for a Bulldog for God sakes!!! I guess I should start lookin for donor trucks for my R Model's. I don't Know maybe it's just me maybe I'm old school not up with the times? All I know is this, yesterday my Freightliner Rep. informed me that I can not buy any new Glider kits unless I use a engine that meets 2010 em's.so now why even waste your time any more!! We all better wake in this country an soon!! Tell me if I should sign myself in or if some of you guys out there feel the same way as I do Thank's BULLHUSK
  18. Rob, Back in 1964 my dad used to do ICC inspections on trucks owned by Liquid Carbonic Corp. over here in Jersey. Back then they did a trial deal with Peterbilt they had 4 of there International's (1960's) with 220 Cummins R96 Road Rangers & International rears with the big IH on the back pumpkin shipped to Peterbilt's factory in CA. Out there they took the whole drive train from these 4 IH tractors, completely rebuilt all the components & put them into a needlenose Pete with the butterfly hoods. They were nice lookin trucks but they didn't last very long an they all would vibrate goin down the road they never could figure it out. Will anyway to see a new Pete back then with a big I/H on the rear would sure send you home with something to think about !! BULLHUSK
  19. Agreed, I love em the 71's & 92's call me crazy but I'll run a silver 92 for as long as I want to, granted I'll have to keep my eye on the bottom end, maybe 250 to 300,000 do rods & mains something you did dot have to do on the 71's but if you have a 3406 A or B or a 335 cummins you would have to do the same thing no ? BULLHUSK
  20. From what Detroit Diesel tells me, YES there's A company building the motors an parts for the 71-53 & 92's under Detroit's name. As you know Uncle Sam has 10's of thounds of 2 cycle motors still in service & because of there parts diversity they still like to use them. BULLHUSK
  21. Donnie, Please tell me there's A Mopar heart under the hood an not A Shevy or Phord transplant under there !!!!! MOPAR ERNIE
  22. What's your dad's name, My father was a truck mechanic in Jersey all his life until he passed in 04,and looking at that picture I'm sure I know him BULLHUSK
  23. What's your dad's name, My father was a truck mechanic in Jersey all his life until he passed in 04,and looking at that picture I'm sure I know him BULLHUSK
  24. Hey BoBO, What did ya wind up doin with the truck ?? Bullhusk
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