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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by bullhusk

  1. I've been told by my Detroit Diesel Rep. that the Military is still using the 8V-92's in all of there big haul tractors like the Oshkosh with the Allison Trans. I'm told the new ones being built are over 500 Hp. & the reason for them still using this combo ? The parts all interchange and the motor is compact & light. I don't know, what do you guys think ??. BULLHUSK
  2. B0B0, I thing the 8LL with the E9 V8 up front & 11R24.5's to the pavement is A good combo. Now years back I had a couple of trucks with 5x4's I pulled them an put in the fuller RTOO 13's these trucks pulled great & I got a good top end out of them with I think 5:23 rears. SO I think if your lookin for the best of both worlds ? I think the double over drive 13 is the way to go. GOOD LUCK, Ernie
  3. Budd, Big Rig Chrome Shop has them, BUTTTT there over $450.00 bucks 1-800 -714- 6093 just keep lookin around somebody out thers got a set collectin dust Ernie Good Luck
  4. Certified concrete out of NYC had F900's with 15+ yd HI BOY concrete mixers with only 3 axles (non planatery) 12x24 tires,there are some pic's on this site. Colonial S&S also had 15 yarder's on Crane Carriers, A-cars & some old L-series Macks. Also wasn't there a concrete co in CT. years back called HI-HO DiDarrio with the twin steers on Mack dumpers & Mixers ? Ernie
  5. Underdog, I have never seem a U with the 3+ cab ! but yet the DM600's built in the 70's & 80' do have the newer cab ! Go Figure??
  6. Fast, The top rack being open all the way will only give give you as much fuel that the Gov.(bottom screw) will allow. With that being said I don't understand why your truck does't smoke or have power after opening the pump, seems like a fuel problem ? So I'm just shootin from the hip now. Ernie
  7. I almost forgot, Crane Carrier used the R cab also I think from 69 to 71 for there tractors with the H-beam frames
  8. Remember,guys, Brockway used the old style Mack cab starting in late 74 on the new 700 series, then they offered the 3+ cab as an option only the exterior was the same the interior was ther own. they used the Mack cab up too the 760 with the tilt nose witch Mack stole an used as there Superliner after they shut down one of the greatest trucks ever built BULLHUSK PS they also had the 760TL,V12-71 475HP & the 1693TA-425 CAT> Motor
  9. Well Fastduramax, Tell us all how the truck is running !!! BULLHUSK
  10. Does LUCAS OIL TREATMENT make any thing for this kind a leak ??? But then again I'm just LAZY Ernie
  11. Like my Dad used to say,"There's A stick for every tomato plant" Ernie
  12. I would start with goin to the airport ? no ? BULLHUSK
  13. Mine tach's out @ 2300 but if it's a mech. tech it could be off a little, an remember those 1800 rpm motors are only about 2000 to 2100 no load an some of those pull ok ERNIE
  14. 2.5 turns won't get you in trouble, but i have a 1988 R model with a E6 350 thats turned out 5 full turns, but the truck isn't used much an when it is I drive it. A guy from Mack Truck Allentown PA. Came an turned our trucks back in 1987 when I bought 5 new Macks with EM6 300's 4V 6 Speeds. These trucks were so so bad I had no choice but to find a guy who (after hours) could help us out an boy when he did we were the cats meow on the jujtown. ERNIE.PS the Mack guy only turned our trucks 2.5 turns on the Gov. side that was because i had drivers on them
  15. Yes, when you took the top off of the pump to turn your rack to full fuel,you could see the long screw about 2.5 inches long in the back of the fuel rack.When you start the engine, give it full throttle, you'll see that Gov. rod go foward an then slide back. Now, when you come to a hill or a hard pull, that Gov. will start moving foward giving more fuel to your engine giving you more torque or staying power,so, if you turn the screw counter clockwise the rod will go foward more.I don't advise this if you got a cowboy driving your truck though as you could blow it up! So watch your Pyro an down shift the trans. if the Pyro. starts to go where it shouldn't Ernie
  16. Now on the back of the Ambac pump there is a plug, take that plug out,inside there's a long screw with an allen head turn that out 2an 1 half turns. Thats your GOV.ADJ.when the engine calls for power that rod moves foward to give the engine more fuel ERNIE PS KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE PYRO.
  17. Ain't that the truth Mark, You know there's A Greek Orthordox Church on the site that was destroyed when the towers came down. They still haven't got past the City Bullshit to rebuild OK, so now comes the same jackoffs that killed 3000 Americans, an they just slide in under all the bullshit an get Cart Blanch from Bloomburg (Douchebag) an the City Council (bunch of Douchbags). Boy I'll tell ya this ,IF GUDY GULIANI WAS STILL MAYOR THIS WOULDN'T BE HAPPENING. BULLHUSK
  18. I would pull the head off first & see if there is a hole in your piston BUT DO NOT RUN THE ENGINE until you find the trouble!! It could be a wrist pin or a rod bearing if either lets go with the motor running you will have some new boat parts. BULLHUSK
  19. I went to court yesterday to fight my smoke ticket,I was told by the prosecutor they are going by the troopers test an thats it!! even though i had two tests from different NJ certified garages. It don't make no difference if its raining,humid,truck temp. your screwed, your gona git a ticket an thats it!!! When you enter a NJ court room bring your check book because you have no wrights, just bring some K/Y gell to make it a little easier on your self BULLHUSK
  20. It almost looks like a Brockway 761 Hood? BULLHUSK
  21. White Motors used a pancake gas motor in there bus in the 1930's an 40's BULLHUSK
  22. Mark, Thats the first C/O FWD I've ever seen!! I'd like to have one of those with a day cab to pull my Mopars around with!! Didn't they use a Dodge cab at one time on there trucks?? Ernie
  23. Ha guys, The guy from Georgia is Tony Youngblood he has a couple of Big Hornes including Dodges first prototype BH.The truck in the picture is a C Model they came with a 318 361 & 413 gas motors the same 413 was also used by Mack. Cummins H,NH NTC,V555,& 903's also Detroit 6-71 & there V6 & V8 71's. The C model in the pic. has a 318 Detroit you'll notice the cabs were raised so those bad boys could fit under the hood, the fenders also swung out for E/Z access I have a C900 with a 413 gas motor 5 speed & 2 speed DR rear they were good strong trucks BULLHUSK
  24. One Big Ass Mistake America
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