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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by bullhusk

  1. I didn't think the Max Wedge block had cross cross bolt mains? BULLHUSK
  2. I wouldn't do it, not with a 727 and I myself swear by them! I don't think the tail shaft and spline will hold up to turning that kinda iron, and you would have to get a yolk and U joint? maybe a trans out of Cummins? The 440 is not as heavy duty as the 413 as most of the 361-and 413 truck engines had timing gears no chain, the crank and crank flang is heavier the water pump and I think the fule pump is also diff. I also looked into putting on in my C900 but found out that it looks the same but they are very diff. animales BULLHUSK
  3. Just posted 2X in one minute how the hell did that happen?? Bullhusk
  4. I remember back in the 70 's Jamaica Ash had those big R700 Mack V8's pullin those big ass push out transfer trailers Bullhusk
  5. I remember back in the 70 's Jamaica Ash had those big R700 Mack V8's pullin those big ass push out transfer trailers Bullhusk
  6. It just seems funny to me how a company like Caterpillar can come out with a junk Accert motor, dump it into the trucking ind. then walk away from it and all it's troubles?? Then come out with a truck built on a Navistar and go back in busn. like nothing ever happened?? And people buy them before a Mack or a Western Star or Pete, KW??? Even today some guys still talk about the Detroit 00-92's and how they will never buy a Detroit again? and GM (at that time) made good on all the 92's that went bad and replaced them with the Silver series! BULLHUSK
  7. I would see that GMC all the time when I was a kid ( Kearny NJ ) I think that had one a those infamous V6 Turoflow diesels BULLHUSK
  8. Mack started to test out speed and RPM stuff before going to the V-Mack one I think was on the bell housing and the other was on the tail shaft of the trane BULLHUSK PS the distributer did not have a tack drive or i'm sure they would have run thr RPM'S off of it!!!
  9. Could be a 155W? Has a 427 Continental the tag is on the fire wall on the pass side, that will give you the vin an model # Also if it hasn't been changed it's probably 6 volts system post it on the Brockway site an one a the guys will know the truck good luckBULLHUSK
  10. I will tell you this..... I give you guys a lot of credit to build these pre 1950's trucks as I have a hard time finding parts for my 1965 Dodge Coronet 500's!!!! BULLHUSK
  11. Paul, Who is the guy in western Pa with the pole barns full of OEM dealer parts?? I bought my 65 Coronet bottom OEM fender panels as well as a new OEM K frame for a big block?????????????????? BULLHUSK
  12. He sold the rears for a Mack Trucks Turbin!....................... Is there one?
  13. Done! Thanks BULLHUSK
  14. Joe, We had CCC Mixers at Colonial with RTO 950-10 with 3 speed over aux. powered buy a 238 Detroit! It was one of the best combo trucks I ever drove! great Low-Low and a great top end ta boot! But 18 + 3? don't know? BULLHUSK
  15. Ya Know I did not get the model of the truck but it was still in great shape for its age! And so are the others that I see! I just saw a conventional today commin down Rt 78 again in great shape BULLHUSK
  16. I saw one today in Newark NJ at a RM yard and talked to the driver from Spain his is a cab over with a dump body, It's a 6 cyl Scania diesel and all SC drive train.....................OVER 1 Million miles on the drive train and the Motor has not been touched! the man bought the truck new from Franks Truck center back in the 80's I talked to him about the Scania trucks in the Euro market from what he told me is when you need a truck, a real good truck to do heavy work you buy a Scania! I never thought to much about them untill now, but when I thought about it these trucks have been running around Jersey now for almost 30 years, the same ones! So there has to be something about them that is good cause except for me runnin my 86 mack and 93 Pete's there aint to many US trucks 30 years old left runnin around any more! I hope to have my 1971 RL700L on the road by the end of the summer an I am sure that will have some peoples ears bleeeeedddng! LOL BULLHUSK By the way the cabs and doors an stuff is all still in great shape!!
  17. I have always owned Chrysler products from sleepin 6's to V10's but this 2012 3500 single wheel Cummins PU is a PIG!! My 2004 5.9 Cummins got 18 -20 MPG and this one I can't break 14!! Check engine light again and back to the dealer over and over again! change this flash that flash this change that again!! 50,600 mi and I'm gooin broke puttin fuel in this thing it does not have the DEF it was the last year without it but it does have EGR and that is just a prob. anything that eats it's own shit can't be good! anybody out there have any ideas just PM me if you think You should! Next one is gonna be the 6.4 HEMI 410 hp 8,000 less and about the same or better gas mi pluss 50 to 60 cents a gal. less F-in GOV. REGS BULLHUSK
  18. Looks like one of MalBros old trucks
  19. There are more then a few running around here in Jersey! They came out of Franks GMC and truck Center in Lyndhurst NJ, all I can say is that you can't pry the Euro owner drivers out a them!! The love there Scania and will not part with them! I think Franks still can get parts for them BULLHUSK
  20. A couple a years back a USA Truck got lost in my necka the woods up here in Hunterdon county NJ with a 53 -102, so this guy gets on one a the back roads and goes over a one lane bridge.................I guess U know whats commin next. Well he gets the front ax a the tractor over then catches the trailer tandems on the back end a the bridge, pulls the bridge off a the foundation!! Bridge an trailer in the water! BULLHUSK PS 5 ton bridge about 100 yrs old...Loaded trailer 40,000 on board! just a little more then a horse an buggie
  21. I think I'm A gonna try an get this one!! I talked to the owner this afternoon and it's a 237 5 speed 38 Cam-back Mack Rough rider! But if I'm too late.... Oh well good luck to the new owner! It's only a truck LOL! BULLHUSK
  22. GOD Bless you SUPER DOG Mike!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ernie DS AKA BULLHUSK
  23. Not sure but I think it had a V12 Cummins?
  24. Boy if that don't look like one of Houdllie Concrete trucks! thay had those and the B80 3 or 5? series with the 220 Cummins motors look at that front bumper! I got sum a ting in the wind right now or I think I would take a shot at it! BULLHUSK
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