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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by bullhusk

  1. ?????? ??????? ... --- ...
  2. Rob, They are E/Z to use and after you use it you'll wonder YYYYY THE HELL!!!! Well enough of that. It should have phenumatic tires on back and casters in front. You should have all the hardware to bolt onto the hub. The most important thing is the TILT and a good floor for your necessary angle. You can adjust your tilt just like a fork lift and just walk it in you know what to do from here. I always like to put grease around the seal before puttin the hub on. OH and also you have about 14" of vert. lift but when you take the drum off I like to set it between 2 4X4 blocks BULLHUSK PS I don't own one but have used one. Most of mine are the newer style drums and we use the same floor jack meth. as you did for the older truck's BULLHUSK
  3. Mark, A.P.A. had 10 Brockway day cabovers leased to Liquid Carbonic in Harrison N.J back in the late 60's. These truck's where BU T FULL they had the deepest & loudest sounding sounding 318 detroit's I have ever heard!! Do any of you guy's remember them?? They where blue & white & pulled Liquid Oxygen, Hyg.& Nit. tanker's BULLHUSK
  4. Mark, Ya gota email me ernie67rt@aol.com I'll give ya my cell # so when your up by J.C N.J you could stop by my garage BULLHUSK (Ernie)
  5. Rob, I think It's for the 5 or 6 spoke wheel's 20"&22" part # on that adapter should be 513925 an the other two would be 26 & 27 inboard & outboard. Unless It's a different adapter ? But I've only seen those three BULLHUSK
  6. Littlerig, When did it start? Did you change any tires on the rear's? Does it make more noise when your pullin or when you let off it? BULLHUSK
  7. Look, this is A long shot But is the gas tank venting ? Leave the gas cap off and see what it does ?
  8. Just came over the wire from Washington ! Rep. Barney F. claims HE'S NEVER GONE THERE, He claims he was at home takin care of Freddy & Mac An I tend to beleave him! BULLHUSK PS He also said Don't beleave all the rumor's he had nothin to do with Fannie !
  9. Mark, I think he is but he's off the main Hwy.17. A buddy of mine used to work for him i'll call & ask him. BULLHUSK
  10. Mark, It was A 359 musta hit the wrong # That is the truck ! The guy who owned them was Izzy Spiegel he bought a bunch from A.P.A. in No. Bergen. They had 250 Cummins, 10 sp. r/r and the biggggeeessssttttt dam single axle rear I have ever seen !! And boy he ran those Brock's for many many years they where real good truck's BULLHUSK
  11. Mark, It's gotta be a Jersey thing cause when I was a kid I always had trouble backin up the tractor's when when hooked up to the trailer's !! Sooo one very hot saturday in June When I was about 15 or so ? My dad takes me over to one of his customers up here in Harrison, were he was workin on a truck. Ok this guy just had his yard paved & striped and my dad hands me the keys to an old A.P.A. Brockway 358 no power nothin !! He says to me "Go around the back and pull all those trailer's up front and spot em between the lines" Now I don't remember just how many there were ?? But it was less then 100 but more then 50 !! When I read stories like yours it brings back very fond memories of my dad and how old school learning was instilled in us. He's gone now but his legacy lives on BULLHUSK
  12. Nice Jersey Mack!! Ernie
  13. 400, You could put A Chrysler electronic ignition set up on the 413, you could buy a new one from Mother Mopar or Year One or any one of those after market guys. Or if you find a RB block (413 426 440) in a junk yard with elct. tron. just pull the dist. an harness.BULLHUSK PS I think A new set up is 250 to 300 bucks? but comes with new dist.& everything you need incld. instructions
  14. bts, Why do they do that? I don't own any newer Macks. Only one older Computer V Mack 400 in a CH an a R mod mech. E6 350 all my newer trucks have Detroit Series 60's why does Mack do something like that? Ernie BULLHUSK
  15. ab2,Take the truck to a Mack dealer with a dyno, the truck should put out 80 to 85% to the wheels if not then it"s a hp. prob.BULLHUSK
  17. Hell NO Randy, No joke I'm SRRR REE USS. Don't ya think? Well for one thing,old Teddy boy was still alive, so now we know where all the WHISKEY WENT!!!! And we can't forget SLICK WILLIE (CLINTON) RIGHT ABOUT THAT TIME HE WAS EYEIN UP THE WHITEHOUSE!!!&GITTIN ALL HIS DUCKS IN A ROW!!!!!! see how it all comes together now Rob BULLHUSK
  18. Come on Rob!!! this is an E/Z one, once those big wig senators & congress boys got wind that Uncle Sam was in the Brothel buss. They all got on Nancy's 767 went down there for there FREE GOV. STUFF just like everything else Uncle Same owns.Before you new it,they started bringin all ther buddys and since it was GOV. owned nobody was payin so they went broke!!
  19. 77mack,I have not had one apart in about 30 yrs. any Macks I ever bought new I always put a power divider lock out dash mounted, but if I remember correctly the rears are not locked all the time. Now if my memory serves me Macks unit allows traction onto the axle with the most resistance as the truck rolls down the road. How that works is inside the rear thers these inner & outer cams that work on centrifical force, so as one axle rotates faster then the other, this (miss match) allows a small wedge (PEANUTS) to engage to the other cam locking up the axle ONLY WHEN MOVING NOT STANDING STILL. Now thats where a power divider inter axle what ever you you wana call it differs. If your on ice or slippery pavement you just put the dash switch in lock an you can pull away with both rears locked. BULLHUSK PS you can do it with a Mack I'v never done it but some of the guys on this site could tell ya
  20. Cheech, I think LMACK. is dead on with his answer, but I got a tell ya a Ready/Mix customer that I del. bulk cement too here in Jersey bought 4 DM600 with the 285 6speed's (Brand New) in 1986 he ran those truck's until 1999 an never touched those motors! oh and by the way he sold the trucks an didn't scrap em
  21. Yes Glenn! You are correct sir, as a matter of fact I think those where the ones that had the valve trouble. they where in the first two K100 K/W's my dad had in the shop (mid to late 60's?)and the inj. lines where on the out side as you stated as well BULLHUSK
  22. almoste, thee samee numbere asa minee Quade boxe
  23. b61,I believe the 262 was the turbo charged 220 the 335 was the bigger 855 cu. block 230-250 hp. natural just for your info. if the older Cummins started with H or HR that was the two valve head NH were the 4 valve non turbo. I always liked the 335 thought it had good power we had some valve trouble with the early ones but all in all they worked out good there where no aftercooler's on ours (I don't think the 335 had one) one other thing if the motor has 250,000 mi on it i would pull the pan and put new rod & main insert's and a reman oil pump before install.BULLHUSK
  24. WOW Mark, I think Newark Mack closed in the late 70's (McCarter Hwy. & Miller ST)& then i think in the mid 80's Hillside Mack closed (RT. 22). Cambria on the other hand lost there bldg. on Rt.46 in Elmwood Pk. To a fire (mid 90's?) closed the one on Rt.3 opened up on Dowd Ave in Elizabeth N.J.(old Clark Forklift bldg.)The one on Rt. 1 & Plainfield Ave? Good question last i heard Cambria wound up with a Volvo dealership an that's what it was don't know about now? BULLHUSK
  25. HI ROB,Glad too here your doing better, don't Mack make parts for these trucks anymore? My dad had a customer with a chain drive (it wasn't a bulldog) i would guess it would be in the 30's? open cab Rad. in front (concrete mixer)this was in the mid 60's Newark Mack still had parts for those trucks even the Bull Dog's BULLHUSK
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