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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by bullhusk

  1. 2PUPS,I'm not sure if the tip turbine motor had a 350 hp? but to answer your question i think the tip turbine which was installed on the engine took the hot air (using the tip turbine)to force it through the intercooler (mounted on the motor)to cool the air before it entered the combustion chamber.The newer truck's have the intercooler up front in front of the rad. much bigger then the motor mounted one and it cools with force air & fan. Cummin's & Cat had similar engine mounted one's called aftercooler's they were water cooled Cat 1693 TA Detroit 8V92 TA turbo aftercooled BULLHUSK
  2. Mark, My dad would use the same stuff, only when he would pour it into the cyl. he would cut it uith diesel. He would also take the valve covers off and pour it all over the rocker & valve assem. before turning by hand.Must be a Jersey thing I guess? BULLHUSK From Jersey
  3. 10/4 Mark,Just leave it up to a bunch of left loooooonnnnieeeeesssss to come up with that one, these are the same NUTS that are still playin Beatle Record's backwards tellin people Paul is dead!! Look my garage and yard is in Jersey City N.J. we haul bulk cement into N.Y N.J PA. area when I opened my office door and looked up there they were the Twin Tower's It's our back yard a mile and a half across the river from us there is not a day that goes by that we are not haunted in some way by the event's that took place on that day. When those Towers fell you felt the very ground you where standing on shake! looking at an knowing that there were police fireman & workers in those buildings as thay fell!!Was it smoke that bellowed up after they fell? from where we stood it looked more like the souls of the dead rising from the ashes. So in closing I agree with the tail gate on the F150. FUCK EM ALL LARGE AN SMALL sorry for the bad language BULLHUSK
  5. Rob,I seen FOX News last night when a Mexie pulled an AMERICAN FLAG out of a guy's hand in a p/u truck and slammed it to the ground !!!!! I for one have had it !! I say we boycot them and send them all back to Mexico. Us AMERICAN folk's are just about making end's meet they come here and get a list of free shit too mutch to list here!!!!!They disrespect our people,our country & our flag!!!I'm just tired of it.BULLHUSK
  6. Rob, Ya took the word's ota ma mouth!!! nice truck Jay !!BULLHUSK
  7. GG2 that's who we use down in Jersey City NJ they do our Gardner Denver Cyclo blower's turbo's fuel pumps, there better then anybody down here and a guy Charlie Deliver's for us!
  8. GG2, AS always I Googled digger dan toys an got some old commercials on U tube and a lot of Q&A stuff? BULLHUSK
  9. NOV. is comming LEAST NOT WE FORGET!!!!! It's time we cleaned house!!!Let's just try and hold on for another year and a half and then WE THE PEOPLE WILL SPEAK!!!! but we have too send a message in NOV. in order to get that B%$#H NANCY P.out of Washington and send her back to SAN FRAN. on a Grayhound Bus AND SELL THAT NEW BIRD SHE BOUGHT WITH OUR $$$$$ then take that money and give it to us guy's on this site so we can buy new truck's I feel your pain Greg, I think we all do!!!!! BULLHUSK
  10. Where was the principal of that high school educated???? He sound's like a Sand-Blasted Mexican too Me!!
  11. 16390, Back when i was a kid in the early 60's there was a guy who hung around my dad's shop his name was Joe Yurakie he had a H Model with a Mack 205 HP Turbo Motor ( Factory ) That's the first time i ever seen a turbo! Well he used to haul Stella Dora Biscuits from N.Y. C. to the west coast and haul back what ever. Ther wern't to many truck's that could could run with those Mack's 205 TURBO CHARGED HORSE POWER !! BULLHUSK
  12. there is a diff. between horne's & horn's
  13. Thats why i like the ROUND air horne's they look soooo nice without the snow cover's though don't they??
  14. D.B.Macks, I'm pretty sure there the same motor 4 1/16 X 5 5/32 150 hp @2800 an 330 @ 1400 torque. Don't know why there one digit off. Ernie
  15. Hatcity, On the flip side ? The one leaning over the car door would make a great set of ear warmers in the winter! BULLHUSK
  16. Ya, thats for sure an i couldn't tell em how to check the oil on those. Again shoulda asked first sorry Ernie
  17. GEEZZZ SUSS!! Who's The guy that own's it Michael Vick Thats no way to treat a dog!!!! thats realy a sin no joke!! BULLHUSK
  18. Randy, sorry for your loss. Ernie D.
  19. Littlerig,I guess I shoulda asked what motor it is? I just assumed it's a 2 cycle sorry, Ernie
  20. Littlerig, 8V 71's gona do that, especially if you let them idle too long. It also depends how many hrs. are on the motor?the more wear on it the more often that will happen. Also if there is a lot of oil comming out of the tube? the motor could run away on you, esp. if you let idle for more then 1/2 hour or more and you go to push the accel. it will run off of that motor oil that's comming out of that tube! could go 6 to 8000 rpm's an just destroy itself! Here's what I always check on the Detroit 2 cycle on top of the V motor is the blower Detroit call's it a scavenger blower take off the air inlet pipe there should be a Emergency shut off gates or flapper's pull the emg. cable there should be a spring loaded clip on like a cam lobe just make sure all that stuff work's freely both gate's open an close an so on I'm not trying to put the fear of GOD in you but if you do let it idle for a long period of time before you hit the fuel ped. put the trans into the higest gear then if it should run away on you , pull the emergency shut down and slip the clutch MAKE SURE YOUR BRAKES ARE LOCKED Ernie BULLHUSK
  21. I love the open wheel's! Dayton style on a P/U truck thats niiiiccceee! BULLHUSK
  22. Way ta go RANDY!!!! Ernie
  23. Rob, I had 4 other R models 1986 EM300 4 valve had the same prob.Mack said it was a brass bushing prob. inside the pump?Ernie
  24. GG2 & Rob, I just put my third Ambac inj. pump on my R600 E350 4 valve only over 300,000 i forget exact mi.what's the deal with these ? I pull side cover off and thers brass in pump,asked Mack about changing to a P7100 robert bosch said i'd have change turbo ?any ideas????Ernie
  25. Randy, GOOGLE your machine make, even the model #, it should give you sites even web's like club's antiques ,owners, and such. I have used Google many times for this sort of stuff. Ernie BULLHUSK
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