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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by bullhusk

  1. GG2 didn't they have the International diesel in em ? BULLHUSK
  2. Deere Mack, Go an look at your original question,ok now read it a 2 or 3X's too yourself,now read all of the answered post's sent in reguards to your orig. question? (I do this myself when i post a question)OK ? GO buy a dump truck. BULLHUSK PS not tryin to be a wise guy but sometimes it get's crazy!!!
  3. DeereMack,Carrying weight an pulling it are two dif. stories thats why you have to start off with the right spec truck. I have seen a lot of low boy tractors with 11x24 tires 65,000 rears 18,to 20k front ax's double & trip. frames that have 70,000 to 80,000 G.V.W.'S that i wouldn't think twice about putting a dump body on. But I agree with HK if you start out with a tractor rated for 50,000 to 56,000 G.V.W. I think your lookin for trouble. Don't forget the less GVW your truck is rated for gives you less brake,frame and so on
  4. Rob, I think all that means is it's not a trailer tire like 13/32 shallow tread,it's rated for steer,trailer,rears all around.When ever i buy trailer tires i always buy all position i get more mi.'s out of them and they cap better BULLHUSK
  5. Deere Mack,Post the spec's of your tractor,single frame,double,size of rear's all that nice stuff.We'll all give ya our 2cents worth BULLHUSK
  6. Tom, Maybeee JUST Maybeee you need a Brockway 760 V12 Detroit ??? Not to many guy's have one of them!!! Good luck Tom, you sound like a good person & dad, hope you find what your lookin for!! BULLHUSK
  7. Suoerdog,Nice CH good luck WIT ER BULLHUSK
  8. ab2,I was at a meeting one day at Detroit Diesels plant tours,that they used too have when Penski owned the co.I brought up that same question. I told them Mack said it's the engine brake causing the failure,well there were a group of guys from Waste Man.there said Mack told them the same thing.Only one prob.It was happining on there Florida trucks (no engine brakes).So heres what I think happens if that engine has the flat tappet lifter like on our Macks, the lifter would break an wipe out the cam lobe so we started using a syn.friction addi.to oil it seemed to work.There are no roller type tappets on my E6 motor I don't know what's on your's it's not a new prob. BULLHUSK
  9. Don't know much about that engine? find out if it's a dry or weat sleeved engine,you could also do a pressure test on the engine side.Also when engine is COLD again COLD pull the rad. cap off an see if there our any bubbles comming up through the water that could be compression caused by a bad headgasket so as when you turn the motor off water will run down the cyl.wall past the piston into the oil this can also cause blowby (vent tube)again I don't know nothin about these motors but on my bigger motors thats what i would check good luck BULLHUSK
  10. I juste like tooe pute ane E on the ende ofe everythinge ErniE BULLHUSK E
  11. Gambi,A Quade box? that would be 2 ahead of a Push Pull & 1 ahead of a Tri Box and then we have the Maxi 5 Speed for those who don't know what a Quade box is ok got it now? BULLHUSK
  12. Some times a head gasket,BULLHUSK
  13. Mark, YA really want a piss these guy's OFF tell em you could drive a QUADE BOX LIKE A 5 SPEEEEEDD OOHHH BOY!!!!!! BULLHUSK PS It's all in fun, life's too short AMEN !
  14. GG2 my uncle had a garbage dump here in Jersey 50's thru late 60's had 6 TD 24's one TD14 all cable except for the 14 as a kid i used to love starting those 24's now lets see if i remember? pull rack rod out (lower left) open gas ped cock right side some times under hood or on right of dash, throttle up 1-2 notch start up on gas let run (depending on how cold) turn gas ped cock off just as she started too sputter you pulled up throttle and pushed in rackrod and the 1091 cam to life !! Now my cousin Tony said the reason the heads used to crack was because the rad. was too low and when the water would go below the head thus starving the upper part of the motor. So he made a res. tank under the hood held about 8 extra gal.put a 8 blade fan on it and it NEVER cracked a head !!! but buy then the TD25c came out and the rest is history. oh by the way near the end he had a TD30 could not run @ full throttle when pulled the steering back it would throw you out of the seat!! what a time it was BULLHUSK
  15. SOOO!!! Packer it wasn't a ticket too get you back too the coast OK now i get it !!! Just Kiddin Packer i remember a guy who worked with my dad used to run Jersey to Chicago 2X a week and start on his third!!Big round pill he used to cut in 1/4's when he got tired he'd take a peice. The guy's still around prob. in his late 70's now, but when i see him it's always great to ask him about the old days of truckin like guys with chains hooked on to ther bumper to get towed over a steep hill, i could just sit and listen all day long. Last time I seen (Tony)he reminded me i'll be the old timer soon!
  16. I can sharpen a pencil with a knife & break a round toothpick with my bear hands !! let's see em top that!!
  17. 2 KINDS OF INTERNATIONAL TD 24'S ONE WITH CRACKED HEADS & ONE THATS GONA HAVE CRACKED HEADS!! Still my favorite dozer out push any Cat machine! 2 speed steering way ahead of it's time to bad you couldn't squeeeezzzzz a KT Cummins under the hood ?
  18. Tom,I think your K100 K/W is a great looking truck!! But I'm a sucker for C/O's esp day cab's. Now just my opinion the Mack motor E6 EM6 E7 EM7 732 cu. in. (power to weight)horse power & torque is the best diesel ever made. Even the older 673 & 673-P motors ran better then the HR 195 & NH 220 Cummins all non turbos of yesteryear. Even today's 12 liter Cat motors around the same cubes don't run like the Mack engines. Now your friend who said his 350 Mack with a little tweaking will out run your 855 cu. in. Cummins YA OK BUT if you start tweakin your PT pump on your Cummins your friend's gona lose! Just like the guy who posted before me said 723 VS 855 ? But again just my opinion the 350 Mack motor in the Superliner maybe with a little tweak will run just fine they just do!! BULLHUSK
  19. That would be a Jersey Guys Answer!!!! YES WAY TOO GO STORMIN NORMAN!!!!!!
  20. bullhusk

    The Fence:

    No true'er words spoken I'd send A copy to Nancy, Harry, Barney, Chris & Barack, But they don't seem to read anything
  21. Tom, truckpaper.com has about 40 superliner's for sale take a look just too compare BULLHUSK
  22. Gambi80 thats how my T 2090 started sorry BULLHUSK
  23. Thats great!! Japanese Freightliner never heard that one before, just pissssed my pants and fell off my chair. BULLHUSK Oh ya how about west coast turn a rounds I asked my dad what that were when i was a kid he told me it was a ticket all truckers had to get on the west coast to get back to the east coast.Do you still need to get those tickets before coming back east ?
  24. Bruceb,Let us Know how you make out with this I also am curious to know what was wrong? Oh by the way i do remember how my dad fixed it all he did was pulled the cap and cover off checked to make sure the springs were ok then sprayed this stuff he called cow piss inside to free it up(I think it't called nutbuster) something i think you can do yourself, Firemack seems to know these motors maby he can walk you through it, because i don't know if the guts are the same BULLHUSK
  25. I don't Know a lot about these motors or the distributor's that it has, but years back my dad had an International R220 with a 501 gas motor and it was doing something like yours is doing The trouble has inside the dist.the advance was froze shut and it would not advance the timimg when the engine called for power. Just a shot in the dark BULLHUSK
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