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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by bullhusk

  1. Yes fellas you guys are all right on the money. He is a terrorist who is now the leader in charge of the attack on Iraq. As we speak, they have taken over our tanks, hummers, 2 helicoptors and a chemical weapons depot. Right now I am shitting in my pants worried as my Jersey City yard is about a mile southwest of the former world trade centers. This limp dick president of ours had the opportunity to bomb the insurgents as they crossed over the border from Syria into Iraq about 300 miles of desert. But instead as Nero played the fiddle when Rome was burning, limp dick played golf as the Middle East burns. So guys, that's the way it is. Over and out. Bullhusk
  2. How many guys know where that came from this week? BULLHUSK
  4. Yeah thats him nice guy BULLHUSK
  5. Glen Winters put one in that RL700L that had the V12-71 BULLHUSK
  6. So I've been told by the old timers back then! There was a story about one in the mud with 8yds on board and an the driver Could not steer the truck so one of the laborer s on the job tried to help an they broke the steering wheel!! BULLHUSK
  7. Wow!! Nice Paul!!
  8. When I started drivin for Colonial Sand in 1971 they had just gotten rid of there B-62's or 'Turn ma dimes' as the older Jersey guys called them LOL! Would they have had the 707 motor? I never did get to see one but they had 8 cyd mixers on them with NO power steering! BULLHUSK
  9. I thought it was one a the best shows! A lot a nice trucks I guess the rain brings out the best of us LOL!! Tom's red an white 361 Detroit powered Brockway I thought was the best lookin truck there! I know I guess I am a little biased towards the Brockways but I watch this man and his son build this truck on the Brockway site and he left nothing undone so I would think it's one of the best restorations that I have ever seen in my lifetime BULLHUSK
  10. I keep missin everyone every year! I'll put on some Old Spice this year so come a sniffffinnn for me!!! BULLHUSK!!
  11. Paul, thank you for posting D-Day I just got home and could not wait to thank all of our men in the military yesterday and today! But today.... Well it speaks for itself! To bad our schools today don't teach the history that really matters. We also ..today have a commander in chief that thinks D Day is dollar days! He is the bottom of the bottom and is starting to dig! Bullhusk
  12. I past by that place last week! Ernie
  13. Mark, Spot on about Jersery food LOL Dickie Dee's double hotdogs on Bloomfield ave Nwk. Jimmy Buff's, Hot Dog Johnnie's, Eagens in No Arlington (gone), Rutt's Hutt,Hot Rod's, Jersey Freeze (gone), Stewarts, Drive in Movie food, drag race @ Dream Boat RT 21 Nwk. Ave P Nwk. then go to White Castle in Elizabeth on North ave! And the list goes on up here in the North!LOL BULLHUSK
  14. I was raised in Kearny nj a big Irish town! I couldn't figure why these people would take a perfectly good piece a meat an Boil it?? Argyle Fish an Chips, well it was a town of about 45,000 and most lots were 50+100 but I had the meadowlands about a half a mile from my house! So I got ta hunt an fish as a kid an also explore snake hill an the old hospital on the hill ( it's that big mountain on the eastern side a the NJTP past the meadowlands that they blasted for stone) not a bad town but I could not wait until I could get to the country, I new I had it in my blood when we used to hunt the swamps an fish the creeks an rivers so I guess I was a city swamp slicker? My dad used to get the United Farm Magazine as a kid and he would say 'some day I'm gonna buy us a farm in NY State so we could go there in the summer' well he worked 7 days a week for us! An then my Mom got sick an he took care of her at home for the first 11 years of his retirement. After her passing he lived 4 years until he was 80 so he never made it. But one day I took him with me after mom passed ( was the only time he got to leave the house) we went to the Summer Nationals in E-Town NJ and took him up to Hunterdon County to my home for a couple a days it was a very special time in my life cause the only time he got to see me an my kids was at the Kearny house every week an to get him away from that house was almost impossible! I could see in his glassy eyes how he new that even though he couldn't get out I did an now he had the place in the country any time he wanted it! But to see him at [ E-Town (was a big Chrysler man) just lookin at those top fuel dragsters with 331,354,392 HEMI'S in his mind that's what thay where and to see Kenny Bernstein go 305 mph as fast as you could say his name just blew him away! So today my friends on my birthday I took some time to look back , I hope I didn't bore anyone but it just felt good to remember a very special time in my life that maybe with Fathers Day commin up an your Dads are still with us..... Go take him out go to the track, a ball game or even to work an then the bar after work! Cause one day after all the thinks you did together when you was a kid you will always remember this one when you took control an gave him a day or 2 or 3 Ernie
  15. OK after a fuckin week from hell.... puttin up a building, finishin up a glider (tryin) pickin up a trailer at the end a the earth in a town I never heard a (Woodstown) an livin ta work again thanks to the ass hole in DC an turnin 60 this week!!! .... I AM DRUNK AND GOIN TA BED!! GOOD NIGHT tO ALL AND MAY GOD BLESS ... (Red Skelton) BULLHUSK..................................................................................................................
  17. Out of respect and without his ok I will not post what they had to say about the Macks, maybe it was the older ones? I don't know BULLHUSK PS buy the way they are running older Cat 475 Acert's and love them????? SO go figure!
  18. I've been inside of the Freightliner rear and you can't tell the diff. between them and a Meritor? they are not the same as they use a heaver ring gear in there 40,000 much like the 46,000 or the pre 1994 Eatons. I have also torn down their series 60 and have taken a look at there new line up and I don't see any DB design here? I do see our tech transplanted into there new line up. The MB 4000 400 plus hp motor will never get the mi on them that the older Detroit 12.7 Series 60 gets and I know this cause I own both and the MB 4000 is a torque power house but will not go the distance like the older 12.7 will! DB did the same thing with some of there cars, if you look under the hood on some of there models and you think your looking under a Chrysler with a 5.7 HEMI! BULLHUSK
  19. I read your post the other day and I had to give it some thought.... Daimler engines today are the rebirth of the US designed series 60, they have taken there MB Mercedes engines out and went with the newer or original Detroit motors that are born right here in the USA ! The whole top end of the new motors is the brilliant design of the Penske engineering group back in the 80's! The bottom end of the original series 60 was designed by an X Cummings guy whose brain child was the KT motors Benz took that all back to Europe to redesign there motors. Now the new dd13,15, 16, motors are not only joint built US German but with the help of US and Euro bule collar shop men! yes the mechanics! The fuel system is all MB and no more unit injectors it is all common rail as most of Europe has been using. As far as the rears go I am using a set in one of my Freightliner Classic's and they are a copy of US rears and look nothing like the Mercedes or the Scania, even the axel flangs are like ours and not like your typical big Euro style! The Auto Trans I have not seen yet but have heard that the Allison boys From Detroit Allison that stayed on with DB have there hands in it and I think it will be built here in the USA. The Paccar engine is a rebadged Mann and of course the new Mack motor is a Volvo Europe 100% designed and built (theMack motor is built here in USA) Thanks BULLHUSK
  20. Haulin bulk cement is a bitch on the tractor as well esp. The first 5 or so minutes after loading an that powder is aired up!! BULLHUSK
  21. I have seen them and they are a mix of both Eaton and Timken in the back they have the ring gear cutout like Eaton use to have and I think the top end looks like the old Timken set up? BULLHUSK
  22. OK I got pic's of the Mack CO's thay are the Fiberglass cab MH ? I got them on my email as well as some pic's of my power glider progress I gust put the rears in on Monday and got the drums and wheels on so now I have to put the trans in and fire her up!!! I gotta wait for JR to post em on here! I know I know we all can put trucks together...... But trans pic's and post?????????????? fagetaboutit!! BULLHUSK
  23. there ya go! PBR when they were on Grove st in Newark NJ had 2 or 3 a those R 400's with the 413 and they would load them up with over an under beer cans an bottles (a lot a weight there) and they would pull there ass off in the land fill! an the drivers loved them they had a 5 speed with a 2 speed rear BULLHUSK PS I'll tell ya what if you don't want that thing I might by it for my C900 Dodge dump
  24. I think you could even put a nice big block Mopar gas motor in her
  25. Many thanks to you and all the Vets! BULLHUSK
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