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Pedigreed Bulldog
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terry last won the day on November 3 2020

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About terry

  • Birthday 06/14/1948


  • Location
    Carter Lake Ia.

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Community Answers

  1. Couldn’t they just follow one with a helicopter? Terry
  2. Not sure but a B47 might be a scania powered. Terry
  3. R685ST is a 237 engine with a six speed, S means six wheel, T means. Tractor But hard telling what had been changed in the mean time. Terry
  4. I know some of the canadian trucks have a spread axle on the tandems, if i’m not mistaken at one time there were three different spacings on the rears. Terry
  5. Baltmore if your serious about building a V8 listen to Back in Black, he has built a bunch of pulling engines. Terry
  6. They had a combination water and air tip turbine intercooler. Terry
  7. The R700 series had the longer hood for cat or cummins engines, but i also seen them with mack six cylinder, and mack V8 engines. Terry
  8. Shame about the tree damage! Terry
  9. They made a clutch brake for a mack push clutch, it had a lever that went down and pushed a disc against the counter shaft. Terry
  10. Some of the later triplex and quads came with a twin disc push clutch terry
  11. Are you talking a wedge shape piece under the hook on the hood, I believe they were there to tilt the hook more so latch would not come unhooked.🤷‍♀️. Terry
  12. They are probably body bound bolts, which can be even harder to get out. Terry
  13. That is a rare engine, a 350 two valve engine, have to agree with that line from intake to downdraft tube. Terry
  14. Just put in neutral and pull cover, and make sure forks go back in to shift collars when replacing. Terry
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