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Pedigreed Bulldog
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terry last won the day on November 3 2020

terry had the most liked content!

1 Follower

About terry

  • Birthday 06/14/1948


  • Location
    Carter Lake Ia.

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Grand Master (14/14)

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Community Answers

  1. I think them three holes on the side were for handbrake bracket. terry
  2. Can you put a oversized pin, and weld on the shift ball and round it down and smooth it, i have done that in the past. Terry.
  3. Definitely alot easier to get, and probably alot cheaper! terry
  4. Regrooving tires is like the present day so called mechanics, can’t rebuild nothing, just replace the whole item! terry
  5. EN is engine, D is diesel, L is light weight, flywheel housing , intake manifold, maybe another irtem or two. terry
  6. terry

    C609 emblem

    Nice, always like them C models . terry
  7. Nice shop, lots of room! terry
  8. Front bumper looks like mercer to me?🤷‍♀️. terry
  9. Job to be proud of! terry
  10. Real hard to get a good old fashioned footlong chili dog with a steamed bun! terry
  11. Yeah i’ve had older mack engines run backwards, just let clutch out and kill it then do a normal start up. Terry🤐
  12. Like the far left one. terry
  13. terry


    Mahomes line couldn’t stop them! Had no time to find receivers! Terry
  14. Bottom row left, always been a sucker for red! terry
  15. Yeah them three straight leaves were pretty soft riding, but leaned real bad. terry
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