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Pedigreed Bulldog
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terry last won the day on November 3 2020

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About terry

  • Birthday 06/14/1948


  • Location
    Carter Lake Ia.

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Community Answers

  1. joey are you talking shim paper or shim steel? Terry
  2. I haven’t heard from him in quite a long time either. He certainly is a ok guy! Terry
  3. That truck in my profile came from Norm Taunton in Galt, California. Terry B733
  4. You got your work cut out for you there! Hope the engine is usable. Terry
  5. Maybe that broaching was a way to cut oil grooves or dimples like original gear bushings on the old 72 series transmissions.🤷‍♀️. Terry
  6. If you google broaching a gear bushing there are some explanations of it. Terry
  7. I’m not sure what the broaching procedure is, i think after new bushing is pressed in the broaching tool finishes the inside of the bushing some how. But sounds like freightrain’s procedure should work. Terry
  8. Haven't seen that done since high school auto mechanics class, along with knurling valve guides. terry
  9. I know if a gear bushing is replaced they say it has to be broached, don't know exactly how important this is. terry
  10. Says C.s. Ehinger, not sure on spelling on the door, they were out of K. C. Terry
  11. Is the T2100 a ten spd.? The 2070 has a very large overdrive, check overdrive ratios on both, you will probably have to change rear ends with the T2100, the 2070 generally has around 5:50 ratio rears. Terry
  12. Some six speeds were air operated back box, low, direct, reverse, a 107A, two stick six speed has no air shift controls. Terry
  13. Kinda runs? Whats that mean? Terry
  14. My family used to pheasant hunt around that area, used to have breakfast in a little truckstop in Shelby think it was called Bernts cafe, long, long time ago. Terry nice Mack too!👍
  15. Where in Nebraska you from? Terry
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