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Pedigreed Bulldog
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terry last won the day on November 3 2020

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About terry

  • Birthday 06/14/1948


  • Location
    Carter Lake Ia.

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Community Answers

  1. Regrooving tires is like the present day so called mechanics, can’t rebuild nothing, just replace the whole item! terry
  2. EN is engine, D is diesel, L is light weight, flywheel housing , intake manifold, maybe another irtem or two. terry
  3. terry

    C609 emblem

    Nice, always like them C models . terry
  4. Nice shop, lots of room! terry
  5. Front bumper looks like mercer to me?🤷‍♀️. terry
  6. Job to be proud of! terry
  7. Real hard to get a good old fashioned footlong chili dog with a steamed bun! terry
  8. Yeah i’ve had older mack engines run backwards, just let clutch out and kill it then do a normal start up. Terry🤐
  9. Like the far left one. terry
  10. terry


    Mahomes line couldn’t stop them! Had no time to find receivers! Terry
  11. Bottom row left, always been a sucker for red! terry
  12. Yeah them three straight leaves were pretty soft riding, but leaned real bad. terry
  13. That would probably be ok for a hobby truck, but one working every day probably not. Terry
  14. Was this a hendrickson walking beam or a mack beam, and yes mack a solid walking beam years ago. Terry
  15. Can't you use a filter that came with the tip turbine engines, it has two separate filters in one housing, one for engine and one for the tip turbine.. it is a bigger housing, but it's all on the passenger side. terry
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