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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by terry

  1. used that beer can shim on many a U joints! terry
  2. That is quite the PTO on it! terry
  3. more times than not, govenor needs rebuilt. terry
  4. Should be two nuts on top of lift pump, with plastic check valves under them, be sure to put the primer on the one that draws from the tank. terry
  5. AI don't think a 61 B model is going to have that kind of a fan problem, how about when the shutters are shut in cooler weather? terry
  6. You ain't put a starter in till you try a DM or U model with one of them old heavy delco starters by yourself! Don't think i could do it anymore. terry
  7. Be interesting to see what Joey Mack thinks about this! I don't think the lower end will take it. terry
  8. On all the the older ones triplexes and so, the countershaft gear was so small it need that idler gear to reach it. and then most pumps had two stubs to hook your shaft to for what direction you needed to go. terry
  9. Yeah i wasn't sure if the shaft had a slot or splined. terry I have shimmed alot of side pto's shim the idler gear to the trans then take off and shim to the pto then assemble!
  10. The rear mounted PTO'S on that trans that i have seen were run on one of the countershafts, had a special slot in the countershaft to turn the PTO. terry
  11. If memory serves me right, right behind fill plug. Terry
  12. Surprised they would even mess with a lift axle with a mine truck. good looking truck too! terry
  13. that will be a harder one to find! terry
  14. Did he lose many of his trucks? terry
  15. If your using a double disc clutch, it has to be the deeper bell housing, not sure if they had the deeper one in aluminum. Terry
  16. Can’t you just bend it where it is comfortable to shift and clears everything? Terry
  17. Nice to hear results from help here. terry
  18. Did you check oil pump for pieces or damage? Terry
  19. Right frame rail just infront of rear spring hanger on steer axle, should be stamped there. terry
  20. What pumps have the tach drive on them, i thought all the earlier mack engine tachs were driven off the acc. drive shaft? terry
  21. Very interesting read on the french macks! terry
  22. Yeah years ago the inner bearing was packed with grease with a seal in the middle of the hub, the outer was oil fed from the rear end, most guys just elimidated that middle seal and fed both bearings with rearend oil, can't help with the proper seal number if you go that route. terry
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