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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by terry

  1. terry


    Could be ordered either way. Terry
  2. Yeah that is a dead giveaway! terry
  3. Price? terry also that is no 285, it is a 237 .
  4. That is a whole lot of injector pulling to test all six cold then hot. terry
  5. just the reason i have always done my own oil changes! terry
  6. I'll bet it is something so simple, just being overlooked! terry maybe this has been mentioned, something in the tank plugging pickup at different times?
  7. If them hoses are real old they definitly can come apart on the inside. terry
  8. If you have a front mounted inter cooler, take it off and clean everything real good, back of intercooler, and front of radiator. Terry
  9. Is the threaded part the filter screws to, crooked in relation to the filter sealing surface? terry
  10. You can cut a shim out of a beer or pop can to tighten up that u joint cap, if the rest of the u joint is ok. Terry
  11. I have seen plenty of 18 speed fullers behind 460 mack engines, should be a piece of cake behind a 285. terry
  12. Maybe manders will give you a good deal on a 676 engine, they are 285 horse, have to have a different air filter and different intake and maybe exhaust piping. Terry
  13. Have you contacted Manders to see what they can do for you? I would speak to the owners. I have bought from them before and had real good luck. terry
  14. Nice to hear when help here helped! terry
  15. For awhile on the mack camel back they had three lengths on the springs, i'm thinking 50.55, and 60inches. terry
  16. Looks to be some sort of hendrickson suspension and rears. terry
  17. the knobs slide off the lever, just stuck on. terry
  18. Sure no expert on this trans, sounds like a o ring blown on reverse shift rail, i'm sure somebody more knowledgable on these will comment. terry
  19. I had paper work on that B421 from new and it had the flathead. terry
  20. B421 was a flathead gasser, very gutless! Terry
  21. I've often wonered this , i had a B421 dump truck for a couple of years, long time ago, my first dump truck, lots of shifting with that baby quad! terry
  22. generally to get it cleaned right between radiator and C.A.C. to pull cooler out and clean it and radiator real good. terry
  23. Don't look in too bad of shape in the pic! terry
  24. I joined the army jan. of '67' army engineers crane operater, first year in ft. carson colo, second year in germany and "69" in viet nam. got out dec 25 of "69" terry
  25. Have the top limit of RPM's set to 2000. terry
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