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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by terry

  1. nice to hear back when a problem was solved! terry
  2. if you look close on the engine data tag, it says engine exhaust emission control information , don't think they worried about emissions back then, probably a replaced engine ? terry
  3. Might have been moved for a reason, stand pipe was sucking air? terry
  4. I believe the earlier Mack’s, after the flywheel housing was dialed in, you reamed the holes for a oversized dowel then tapped them in. Terry
  5. the only thought of waiting till you hear a knock, have you already scored the crank! terry
  6. too busy shifting for all them comforts!😂 terry
  7. Long as you have the pan off, oil pump too. Terry
  8. Check with manders truck salvage, lakeville minn. they parts a lot of Mack’s out. Terry
  9. That means changing whole exhaust manifold and exhaust layout. terry
  10. I have seen these where the parking brake has to be set, release the fifth wheel, the release the parking brake. terry
  11. happy birthday, you have really helped people on here! terry
  12. Looks like to me between 6/2017 and 2/2018 picked up 370,000 miles? right? terry
  13. Helps before pushing the collar down, give it a dose of penetrating oil. Terry
  14. terry

    RB Mack hood

    Check with Vanderhags in council bluffs, they had one there awhile back.
  15. Hope the truck does a good trouble free job with all the work you’ve been through so far.😁
  16. Probably a lift axle, and not a tri-drive.
  17. Got a lead on a brand new dm or u model cab shell, with the doors, shell only, absolutley no interiors pieces. if interested you can Pm me a message with a text number to send some pics. terry located in Omaha
  18. I believe that is why you need the water pump housing, water pump and crank hub off the 673 engine, they are all shorter, you said you made the rear mounts, might have them to far one way , moving the engine back into the firewall? terry
  19. Mad dog pretty much summed it up, different crank hub and pulley, and water pump housing and shorter water pump.
  20. Somthing being missed here, there have been a bunch of these swaps and nobody ever had to mess with firewall, i know the older engine waterpump had to be used because of it being shorter. and as 63Bmack stated pump housing. terry
  21. terry

    Shop Talk

    Me too Joey, could have retired at 38, I was a E-5 with only two and a half years in, my last year in Viet Nam, so I was eager to get out! Terry
  22. Fuel return?
  23. And a one man operation can only line up so much work ahead, i can't count the times i have seen a 2or3 hour job on sat. turn out to be all weekend! and generally people want there work done yesterday! terry
  24. terry

    Shop Talk

    small quad behind a gas engine, drove one for a couple of years. terry
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