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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by terry

  1. does it have a rubber or bronze trunnion bushing? if it has the bronze one and needs replaced, might also need the trunnion itself. terry
  2. Quite the rig!! terry
  3. That phrase "needs work" can be pretty much wide open!! terry
  4. love them 12 speeds! terry
  5. did you look at the rears to see what ratio they actually are to be sure? terry
  6. Yes there pretty close.
  7. you better check the rear end ratios, if that had the 6,7 or 8 spd mack trans. originally, the rear ends have to be changed to work with a 8LL transmission. terry
  8. Glad to hear from you again, looking real sharp, bet it was a little breezy with no doors!! terry
  9. would have to say it isn't a T675, looks like no oil cooler there on the left side. terry
  10. Try manders truck salvage in lakeville Minn. lots of mack parts. terry
  11. Biggest problem i see with one of the trucks for a dump truck would be over weight on the steer axle. and you need a longer wheelbase for bridge laws. terry
  12. maybe i am missing something, what is so strange about the way the front wheels are attached to the spokes? terry
  13. i used to hear to put the outer seal in backwards so it would come out there first.ever hear this? terry
  14. With them 5.55 rears and that seven spd trans changing to a 9 or 13 spd trans will not work, rear ends are to slow , that seven spd has a real wide overdrive, i have driven them and don't like it for a dump truck. terry
  15. On them 12 speeds there was a overdrive, which most are, had a direct and overdrive on the split, but some of the early ones were a direct, which was a underdrive and direct on the split.
  16. As far as i am concerned that 1070B 12 spd, was the best trans mack ever built. terry and that X107 and 2070 takes a whole different ration to work right.
  17. good money for a "75" terry
  18. piece of gasket material and a small pall pien hammer and tap lightly on the edges! will punch it right out. terry
  19. Could the s mean single reduction? terry
  20. Nice to have a update! terry
  21. manders diesel repair,lakeville minn. real good people to deal with. terry
  22. Are they even available? probably be backordered and take six months to get! terry
  23. When this guys do a restoration they should paint the interior the right color. terry
  24. That is where a B model steering box is. terry
  25. The same model of truck.
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