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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by terry

  1. If that is an overdrive 12 spd. with them 4.17's it will be a runner!! terry
  2. are you working this truck with the front end in that bad of shape? sounds like your are! terry
  3. i have seen trucks with a 38.000 pound housing on one axle and a 44.000 pound housing on the other axle. terry
  4. terry


    Need a little more info, year model of truck? terry
  5. A five speed is not made for off road, unless you got some deep rear ends! terry
  6. Some of the early mack wheel bearings had a inner seal to separate inner and outer bearings, the inner was packed with grease and the outer run in gear oil. most guys just knocked out the inner seal and run oil in both bearings. terry
  7. Can,t say for sure, but the older 12 spd had a regulator that cut the trans working pressure down to about 60 or 65 pounds. terry
  8. Thats pretty unusual, have you tried tried tightening bolts that hold the cases together? terry
  9. Where are they leaking oil from? terry
  10. Do you have the right gasket under the filter stand where it bolts to lower left side of the block? terry
  11. What happens on a road like that when you meet another load coming at you? terry
  12. I am not to sure but i think some of the early hard nosed macks had shutters on the back side of the radiator. terry
  13. Need just a tad more info! terry
  14. Another demise of the shutters was the inter cooler in front of the radiator. terry
  15. That mack should do you well! terry
  16. The 72 is probably a 237, depends if it has a quad or six speed transmission. terry
  17. Wasn't there a V8 in some of them. terry
  18. Been wondering how you coming on this, going to be a super nice truck!! With summer here, people get busy doing other things. terry
  19. The RL is a straight frame, where the R model spreads out around the engine. right? terry
  20. I would bet a R model mount is different from a RL mount. terry
  21. made the same looking plates years ago, tells you real quick if you got it sealed up!
  22. The 676 was a 285 hp engine the 675 was a 237 hp. terry and i do believe the 676 had variations up to 315+.
  23. That is the one i was thinking of! terry
  24. Not totally sure, but it seems like i remember a filter outside, under the windshield on cowl top. terry
  25. Valve guides?
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