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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by terry

  1. For a guess, i would say yes. terry
  2. Normal for a DM model. terry
  3. if the spring width is the same then measure u bolt hole to u bolt hole from side to side , if they are the same on each truck, it should work. terry
  4. Wow now that is a wrecker!! 👍 terry
  5. bullet proof!! terry
  6. from what i have seen about prices there,they bring more there than here, for almost any model of truck. terry
  7. What would that autocar be worth in australia ? terry
  8. Looks wider with a slanted end to clear shifter i would say. terry
  9. What did you use to drive the seal in with? terry
  10. terry

    New Sub

    You will get a work out here! terry
  11. For what you are wanting to do with this truck, you need a bigger series of transmission for sure. terry
  12. If that 83 350 was a ESI engine, they had three oil filters and a extra deep pan. lots of oil ! terry
  13. Any body that is interested will want some pics to start. terry
  14. Have seen alot worse than these trucks restored. terry
  15. I once had a B model with a 711 and the local mack dealer put a turbo on it, it really had a whistle, had alot of people tell me they could tell it was me before they saw me! and it pulled real good in a dump truck. terry
  16. That is what i would think. terry
  17. Maybe the water manifold was changed? Look for stampings on the block, right next to where the inj. pump bolts to the block. should tell you what it is. terry
  18. terry

    AB Mack

    Price? terry
  19. Now that is a dump truck!! terry
  20. they have lost alot of real knowledgeable people here. terry
  21. Screw the primer pump off, one is under there, other is under a screw cap next to it. terry
  22. Alot of newbies to the B model door disassembly make the same mistake, once you figure it out it is very simple. terry
  23. Did any of the LT series come from the factory with power steering? terry
  24. get the doors fixed and drive it, looks good to me! terry
  25. The only good thing about them, don't have to pull trans to put in. terry
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