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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by terry

  1. Guess I didn't look at the pics close enough ! terry
  2. So much for the lanova engine ! terry
  3. There must be more axles under the dozer, story says it is a eight axle trailer by the way i read it. terry
  4. Looks to me to be one. terry
  5. looks to be an older steel dash one,looks in pretty good shape. terry
  6. looks like a long hooded B73 or 75, also air cleaner is in a little different spot than a B61 series. Where are these trucks located? terry
  7. Second two pics looks like a C model, love them right along with the rest of the L model cabs. terry
  8. nice pics ! !
  9. Thats all you need, stops any flow thru the core. terry
  10. What kind of museum do you have? terry
  11. Quite the load on them trucks! terry
  12. After about third gear you need a splitter with the six,seven and eight speed trans in this series. terry
  13. I'm pretty sure he needs a overdrive trans with his rear ratio, whatever they are, never hardly seen a B model with rears much faster than 5.73's unless they were changed. terry
  14. I think you have to change rears only if you went with a different transmission, a 237 works real good in place of a 711 or 673 engine. terry
  15. Just to make sure you can look on front rear just to left of input shaft there is a flat spot with numbers stamped in or punched dots with the ratio, you never know what has been changed. The drive shaft length might or might not need changed. terry
  16. Was you thinking a mack or fuller 13 spd? The mack is a triple countershaft , will take the lugging torque alot better than a twin countershaft fuller trans. terry
  17. Love the color, looks to be a super job you are doing! terry
  18. With a 13 spd and them rears you might get 55 top end and that is at the top on rpm's. terry
  19. I love the mods. you guys do to them trucks down there ! Looks like you bring some older iron back to life down there. terry
  20. Classic trucks and music ! terry
  21. terry


    Better keep the right window up on that! terry
  22. ditto on what brocky said, my grandkids say i am old fashioned. terry
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