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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by terry

  1. Has anybody heard anything new on Mike H.?
  2. Is that a CL model? Looks like the CL emblem on the side of the hood. terry
  3. Hope it goes well !
  4. That single axle R looks to be an older one, from the looks of the air cleaner and radiator. terry
  5. One of the prettiest macks ever made! terry
  6. Did you try to tighten it up? Might seal right up. terry
  7. I would grease it also. terry
  8. That is pretty normal, put front box in gear back box in nuetral and let run for a few minutes, will loosen things up.I would keep the gear oil in it. terry
  9. Looks like you guys get all the good stuff ! terry
  10. Outstanding work, love seeing the older trucks made new again! terry
  11. should be a primary and a secondary filter, on every fuel filter change on this system that i have done the secondary will be completely full and the primary is always aliitle low, when you drop filters. terry
  12. Are the titan frames like the old RD's or heavier? terry
  13. Should be quite the dump truck!
  14. I am pretty sure but I believe the DM front axles are the same from center bolt to center bolt, I have been told guys have taken dfront axles from a DM and put under a CH. terry
  15. Wonder if that engine is full of water, looks like the dipstick is hanging outside of the tube, right out in the open. terry
  16. Looks like a B53 with the deep frame, very nice truck ! terry
  17. Isn't that engine bigger than a 237? Looks like intake comes from the front, where the intercooler is. terry
  18. Very, very nice story. terry
  19. Boost leak ?
  20. Are all the air tank drains shut?
  21. Not trying to change the subject, but I sure like that A40, looks pretty staight ! terry
  22. Don't know what your going to do with it, but that is a very gutless combo ! terry
  23. Price?
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