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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by terry

  1. Don't know exactly what it is, but have seen it on some local packer garbage trucks. terry
  2. If you could find non computer engines for RD gliders you would have a bullit proof setup!
  3. looking top notch!
  4. Doesn't a full 44.000 have a brass trunnion bushing? Not a split rubber trunnion. terry
  5. i always thought the dowels were steel, would't brass ones deform if you dropped head on a little hard? terry
  6. From a Viet Nam love it ! terry
  7. Thanks for that info, very interesting ! terry
  8. Not trying to hyjack this thread, but what does peening the weld actually do? Do have to do it after each pass of welding ? terry
  9. looks like a detroit transplant? Cab looks to be in pretty good shape. terry
  10. Sure keeps your foot from slipping off the pedal ! terry
  11. Just looked on Manders website they show a rear, in aluminun and 4.42 for 950.00. terry
  12. I have bought some stuff from them and had terrific service, but it was a few years ago, I dealt with Terry manders, he even shipped me a complete ,redone DM cab with absoluely no money upfront. I received cab and mailed him a check. terry
  13. Put a wrench on bolt heads, I believe a 3/8 bolt will be a 9/16 wrench, and a 7\16 bolt will be a 5/8 wrench. terry
  14. That was where the series parallel switch was located. terry
  15. Why wouldn't you post a price and go from there, clears everything right up front. terry also forgot to say, very very nice truck
  16. With a maxidyne should be a 5 or 6 speed. terry
  17. I drove a DM dump for about 10 years with a 237 and a quad, had no problems, but I was the only driver, just don't lug it like a 5 or 6 speed, keep the rpm's up you will be fine, also don't be shy about using lo-lo in the quad. terry
  18. terry


    Should run alot of years on what your going to do with it ! terry
  19. The way the 5th wheel is behind that axle that is showing it must be a tandem. terry Looked at the pics again,don't look all that bad, looks like mostly surface rust.
  20. I'll bet the MH axle is different than the B from center bolt to center bolt. terry
  21. Another question is liner condition on the piston that let loose. terry
  22. 711 pistons and rings maybe a little hard to find, they are a little bigger than a 673 engine, a running 711 or even a running 237 is a gamble on how long it will run, there are a ton of B models out there repowerd with the 237. 237 parts will be more common. I guess it all boils down if you want it original. terry
  23. very nice, hate to see what that restoration cost ! terry
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