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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by terry

  1. Almost need a little more info, that old of a truck could have had alot of changes over the years, two stick is probably the old six speed. five speed with low, direct and reverse on the other stick. could be a full 300 or the old 285 series engine.
  2. You will have to change rear ends too, a 2070 runs about 5.50 rears.
  3. What superdog said!
  4. I drove many 237 with 5 spd. with 22.5 tires you are lucky to get 68 MPH with the engine wound tight.
  5. I don't think a direct trans with 4.17's even with 24.5 tires is going to give you a good road speed, what do consider a good road speed? I can tell you for sure I had a DM dump with a 12speed overdrive 4.17's and 22.5 tires and at 1600 RPM would run about 65, plus I had the motor set to run 2300 RPM, it would really fly!
  6. B model and 75+ mph, must be geared pretty awsum!
  7. Good and short explanation, I often wondered what all the prefixes meant.
  8. Without it, will sometimes vibrate and make noise
  9. What would be wrong with the trucks listed in the wanted trucks section that theakerstwo has for sale?
  10. Is there a tag on it to figure out what you have?
  11. Probably came loose at one time, and the flywheel and crank was oversized to keep from having to take crankshaft out.
  12. I believe that was the forerunner to the DM frame
  13. If it is discontinued why not update to a new one?
  14. I believe they called that broaching the bushing. terry
  15. Are you sure thats a 220? Don't see injector lines.
  16. What bigdogtrucker said!
  17. Bet 85snowdog hit it right.
  18. I do believe if you are using the camel back rear ends and going to a airride you will have to remove and turn all the brake spiders to move the brake cans.
  19. Had a b421 once, had two group 4 6volts hooked in series to make the 12 volts.
  20. Almost to pretty to put in the dirt!
  21. Nice specs ! Would make a terrific dump truck.
  22. Never seen a hitchhiker like that before!
  23. A 7 speed and a 12 speed take a whole different rear end ratios. I believe the 7 speed is around a 5.50 ratio and the 12 speed a 4.17 or 4.42 terry
  24. If it is a hobby truck maybe, A working truck probably not, you can mate them up alright. you have to remember these were behind engines with not alot of torque. terry
  25. I believe he is looking for a newer series of trans.
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