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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by terry

  1. Interesting upgrades! Should be some people following up on them
  2. Got to be a piece of something ! What ever it is, don't look good.
  3. I know there is some difference in head bolt patterns. and sizes
  4. I like that EH or EQ whatever it is!
  5. Those are definitly not a 44 rear, lucky to be a 38. terry
  6. Very nice selection of trucks, and very good pics!
  7. The original B models had a filter on the left side that was a filter that the top turned and scraped the filter clean, then went to the right side with a filter like the bottom photo of above post. terry
  8. Would't it matter if he going to load heavy alot of the time or just be a light load now and then? terry
  9. Makes the old mechanical engines look better and better!
  10. Why list something without a price?
  11. Double check the rears, I have seen guys rebuild a trans. when it was a rear end problem! terry
  12. Isn't everything in Hemmings pretty high? terry
  13. Didn't the old bell housing have a big guide studs where them ears are on the top of the bellhousing? terry
  14. manders, lakeville minn.
  15. Doesn't it need the short waterpump too. terry
  16. 675 Does not have an intercooler terry
  17. Why not just make one? terry
  18. Drove a 237 with a oil bath cleaner for years, never a problem ever. terry
  19. Didn't it also say 6 cly. engine
  20. How bad is the lower flange? terry
  21. The green one almost looks the color of the old Herman Bros. out of Omaha years ago. And I think they did have some other terminals around the midwest. Terry
  22. Don't think the B71 price was to bad, looked pretty nice Terry
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