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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by terry

  1. If you don't mind saying, what did have to give for it? I stopped and looked at the truck a couple of months ago. terry
  2. I have never heard of a E9 mated up to a 6 speed, wwas this done by a previous owner?
  3. Housby mack in des moines or manders in lakeville minn. maybe mike harbison might have one. terry
  4. You should define on what you mean by later model, everybody has a different idea on this. Terry
  5. Should be easy to find a replacement engine. Them early engines are bullit proof ! terry
  6. Maybe he should give them a call!
  7. They used to have a rebuild kit it, I have done a few, very simple. Terry
  8. Some people call the DM and the U model half cabs.
  9. Been a long time since i seen an old unit crane, had some of them in training at Ft Leonard Wood Missouri in 1967. Terry
  10. I believe it is a A model cab. Terry
  11. A 673C is a 250 horsepower engine, probably why it has a 15 speed trans. terry
  12. Did you ever find what he wants for it? Believe it or not i was going north out of Lincoln nebr. and guess what i saw? This truck along the highway, And it does have quite a bit of rust. Terry
  13. Does anybody know what that very first one is? On the first batch of pic's, the black one. Looks like the cab sits higher on the frame. And the hood looks higher too.
  14. Mike were those macks from a outfit called Eihangers? I know my spelling is wrong. I called them a couple years ago about three B815 macks. Terry
  15. Ain't that blue thing a real POS !
  16. Very nice looking ride!
  17. One of the all time classic's
  18. You will have alot less trouble in the long run!
  19. I think that trans has one of the widest overdrives in the mack trannys.
  20. When i posted that i done a second look and thought it might be something else !
  21. If I'm not mistaken the truck on the trailer is a G model.
  22. If the PTO is on the back box,main box gear selection will change PTO speed along with RPM speed,if it is on the front box only RPM speed will change it. Terry
  23. They are bullet proof engines, like the energizer bunny, they run and run with never a problem! Terry
  24. I had a 711 in a B model dump truck that i drove every day for 10 years, I would put bearings in it at 100.000 miles or so, and put one liner and piston in it that whole 10 years.The rest of the engine was never touched. At the end of the day I made more with that truck considering what the price of things were then. terry
  25. If it is as good as it looks, I would not touch a thing!
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