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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by terry

  1. Looks to be in very good condition, have it running yet? terry
  2. I generally don't like a change, but i do like this! Terry
  3. Does mack side to side locker? Terry
  4. I have taken a long box end wrench, cut close to one end and welded it in a L shape. Worked pretty good. terry
  5. what kind of money are they asking?
  6. Must have had a later cab put on it, has a plastic dash, should be a green steel dash. Terry
  7. Yes that is a wet kit tank, should be controls in the cab for it.
  8. Looks to be a fairly early one.
  9. I am pretty sure the outer cam in the power dividers are different, and would have to take each one apart to swap them.
  10. Mike would that be a TRDXL1071 Direct and a TRDXL1070 Overdrive? Terry
  11. Is that a full 44.000 housing? Don't look like a cast housing.
  12. Bet the older mack will be alot less trouble!
  13. Now that is tall overdrive!
  14. I believe that is something to do with preheating the early cummins engines. Terry
  15. Try Mander's Diesel, Lakeville Minn.
  16. Did you ever have any ladies want to pay for pizza in a unusual way?
  17. I think he means brakes are at the top of the pedal? Terry
  18. All conventional engines are stamped there, cabovers were stamped on backside of motor next to firewall, right below headgasket. terry
  19. Check with Manders Diesel in Lakeville minn.
  20. lo-lo is either a seperate lever or a switch on the dash,the selector on the mainstick is reverse, neutral, direct and overdrive some of the early ones were underdrive and direct. Terry
  21. I was wrong on the reverse on the air shifter, but you are missing the flipper for the lo-lo gear,
  22. I believe that series of tranny has a lo-lo on the air shifter along with the reverse. Terry
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