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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by terry

  1. Looking for a GOOD hood for a B73/75 with the L cab. you can call at 402 630 8027. Terry
  2. just remember the 1071 series is an extra low hole tranny than the 107 six speed, so there maybe different sized gears that the pto runs off of. Terry
  3. You are talking about an overdrive triplex, you can use the under, direct and over in the back box with first to fourth in the main, then when you are in fourth in the main box and over in the back box, you just shift the main box to fifth, which is overdrive in the main box. it really gets confusing to try and explain the difference between a trt 72 and a trt 720 In both tranny's the back box is a underdrive a direct and a overdrive. Hope this is not to confusing ! Terry
  4. If it was a flathead it was probably a 401 in a B42 model. Terry
  5. He is definetly going to have to match the rears with whatever tranny he goes with. Terry
  6. The 2060,2070,and2080 all take a rear ratio of at least the low or mid 5.00 number, the 6 spd. really should be with a 3.86 to get any good road speed, and a 12 spd. overdrive and fuller work real good with a 4.17 ratio. terry
  7. The one thing you have to remember is the 2060,2070, and 2080 trans take a different rear ratio than a fuller or a mack 6 or 12 spd. tranny. Terry
  8. Yeah you don't see to many of them D models around, my boss has one he redone some years ago , and has two or three more stashed away in a building. Terry
  9. They are different bell housing sizes, and i don,t think the frame is big enough for that engine. Terry
  10. Where are you located? Terry
  11. Should be some different dimensions on the front on length, i think the R700 had the longer hood, than the R600. terry
  12. Ratios are as follows, 1st 14.44, 2nd 11.23, 3rd 8.59, 4th 6.68 5th 4.99, 6th 3.89, 7th 2.84, 8th 2.21, 9th 1.66, 10th 1.29, 11th 1.00 12th .78. And there are some 12 speeds that are just direct in 12th gear. Terry
  13. are you looking for just a cab or whole truck? Terry
  14. Would't they just be the block seriel numbers? terry
  15. I beleive the macks were 50 55 and 60 inch spreads. terry
  16. What do do with them trucks that 1999 trucks are needing frames and trunnion brackets? terry
  17. I can promise you there was nothing staged about that picture, the company that i work for assisted the mover, we had a rubber tired loader pushing on the back of the locomotve. It was moved a few years back in Omaha. terry
  18. I have a feeling that counter shaft is a lot looser than you realize, it might be one jumping around making the gears touch. terry
  19. The only way i got the cotter pins in was to bend them in a curve and work them in, it is tough but can be done! Terry
  20. When you get the nut and yoke off you can unbolt the rear cover and put the seal in on the bench, alot easier. when you slide the cover off there are two tapered bearings facing each other with a spacer in the middle, smaller spacers as the bearings wear down to set the preload. At the very most the rear bearing might slide off no problem, just be sure spacer is in there when you reassemble. Terry
  21. That 400 E7 is a good engine, but be real careful of the V-8, parts are getting real scarce and real expensive. Terry
  22. Have had loose exhaust seats do that at an idle or when you let off the throttle, might last a week or 5 years! Terry
  23. If it was a gas job originally it will be pretty slow with a diesel in it if the rears have not ever been changed,also depends if the duplex is a direct or overdrive.Also the gas tranny is a smaller version of the diesel trans. Gas rear ends will be around a 7.00 ratio and a diesel can be mid 4.00 to down to high 5.00's or low 6.00's terry
  24. Just take the 8 1/4 long one and cut it off to the right lenght. terry
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