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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by terry

  1. Leak in return line will let it bleed off. does that supply pump have the two little plastic check valves? if one is bad no pumping fuel. terry
  2. Wow they made the B model later there than the U.S. terry
  3. His has coolant water through it along with the air, yours is an older air only model. Terry.
  4. Them are later tanks than he his looking for, might work with a little fabrication of brackets. terry
  5. Data plate says ST, six wheel, tractor. Terry
  6. We’re all kicking ourselves on cars that we sold when we were young! Terry
  7. Are you supposed to put harder valve seats in an older engine with the unleaded gas now? Terry
  8. Probably be a lot cheaper to fix the exhaust. Terry
  9. Do you have the middle seal out, seems to me there was a lip in there to press middle seal against. Been along time since I had one of them apart! Terry
  10. Definitley a new one on me! terry
  11. He said no air shift, the 2060,2070 and 2080 all had an air low range flipper on the stick. Terry
  12. I was always told if you started it without the lock in it would loosen the clutch 🤷‍♀️
  13. can,t say that I have, I was a Mack dump owner, driver for 40 plus years, so most of my work was on my own truck. I would help in the shop for the company that I worked for once in a while , seems like his mechanic would use a rattle gun with a long bit to knock a stuck one loose. Terry
  14. This is a new one on me to adjust. terry
  15. Don’t know what kind of clearance you have there, but sometimes you can just slide trans. Back and do your clutch work. Terry
  16. Counting the lolo in reverse, should be six. Terry
  17. To many guys try to use silicone and squeezes the gasket out. terry
  18. I think the stand I have you have to use the oil cooler with it, it has two hard lines with o rings between cooler and stand, I’ll have to dig it out and take a look. Terry
  19. A agree with joeys system on a few more pounds of torque one time and run, I have seen guys do that without a problem. Terry
  20. I tried that once, the return side stayed way higher than the suction side. Apparently the crossover hose wouldn’t even it out fast enough. Terry
  21. I have seen guys retorque them and I have seen guys torque once and run it, better minds here will guide you😁. Terry
  22. What the hell is a regenerative turkey!😂. Terry
  23. I have a two spin on oil filter stand with the oil cooler attached, came off a 237, don’t have an idea what it would cost to ship? Terry
  24. Needs original bumper. Would look alot better. Terry
  25. Fifth photo down looks like a little bit of rust starting between frame rails ,check that real good, and look to see if outer rail has been welded along corners. terry
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