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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by terry

  1. around Omaha, 2.90 to 3.05 agallon. Terry
  2. Are you sure the 711 had fire rings? Never seen a 5 inch bore with fire rings, but you never know. Terry
  3. The first engine with oil cooled pistons was the 673C engine with 250 hp. Terry
  4. Look at ebay # 130089883716. Terry
  5. I have a 1959 B733 that when ordered new it was not ordered with the 3 light cluster on the cab center, it has it right in the order sheet to omit them, must not have been mandatory then. it only has the outside ones. Terry
  6. Should be some more numbers, a diesel should be a TRQ 7210 or 7220. terry
  7. Also if you go with used doors make sure to have the correct latch, the earlier and later ones are different terry
  8. If that is what they call the 250 horse, which if believe was a 673 C engine, when they came out they all had oil bath air cleaners. terry
  9. There is a passage on the bottom back of the front box that lets the oil go from the front box to the back, maybe there is a lot of sludge or something not letting the oil pass. Terry
  10. Forgot the T for turbo engine. What hp. was the 673B engine? Was it after the C came out? terry
  11. Mack did not start oil cooled pistons till the END 673 C came out, and there were alot of turboed engines prior to that that ran a ton of miles. terry
  12. Can you find out how much or email me a phone no. tsillik@cox.net. Thanks Terry
  13. So where is the yard located? Terry
  14. Would be kind of a shame to alter that truck if it is that rare of a setup. Terry
  15. I am pretty sure the k stood for kit,maybe Mike H. will have an answer. Terry
  16. That is what the K stands for, glider kit. Would explain the early engine in a 88 truck. terry
  17. Spent a year there myself, 1969 Terry
  18. Where in Colo. is the B73 or 75 mack? Looks like a 4 inch stack, so it probably is a 75. Do you have a phone no? terry
  19. Where is the mack that says Thomas House movers? Is it in Nebr. i see one mack had Sutherland Nebr. on it About 300 miles from me. terry
  20. The 12 spd. has a whole other box bolted to the front, for your low range, for a total of 3 boxes bolted together, a pretty large tranny. I have one in my dump truck, far as i'm concerned the best tranny mack ever made. terry
  21. Look i think on the left side of tranny ,behind fill plug should be a flat spot with numbers should be a trt or trtl 72 or 720, 72 is a single overdrive a 720 is a double overdrive. If yours is a single overdrive it would be easier to find a different trans. that is a double over. terry
  22. My 285 hp with the tip turbine will put out 25 to 28 lbs. on a good pull, Will a stock engine pull that much boost? or has it been turned up? I always thought it was hard on fuel? Terry
  23. The only way to get that kind of speed is a change in the rearends, At least a 4.17 ratio with a .73 overdrive. Terry
  24. Why what would be wrong with everbody seeing info? Terry
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