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Everything posted by e9500v8

  1. I got a set pm me for details
  2. Careful there is 3 different widths of them. I just scored a set off of a ch that are narrow!!!
  3. Hewitt industries make the best pyro !! I love there 3" radial gauge !
  4. http://www.iowa80.com/DirectionsWEB/webcart_category3.php?catid=AIRINLET&catPage=2
  5. Iowa 80 has those exact scoops!!! I searched everywhere for years finally found them!!
  6. Top speed of about 60 to 62
  7. I WILL look into that thanks!!!
  8. There was one on CL for 8500 was green with gold pin stripes that had a crushed cab.
  9. Is that a new bumper on there? If so where did you get?
  10. I will be there!!!
  11. Don't recall that and I watch eBay like a hawk
  12. Have had the same problem before. It was a broken center pin. That axle don't have to move much to throw the steering off a long way. It don't take much to pull the ubolts and jacker up to check them.
  13. Still available
  14. Farmer he will be there Saturday. Yoos call him for price.
  15. I text Vinny pics and videos of it he has more than I do I deleted all except these few.
  16. I done told him it was coming he is excited!!!
  17. 1972 Mack U795st 1043 Coming to Gerhart show For Sale. Only 91 of these built. 865 V8 6 speed 44 rears. Call Jim for details @330-506-6270
  18. Other than the cab light I would give my left nut for that little sweetie. Love those steel dashed r models !!!
  19. Center cab light is MIA.
  20. You will throw rocks at the E7 after you pull a load with the E9 !!!
  21. Mack did make a 6 speed overdrive and I do believe they are in the .60 range. They look like a 12 speed they have 3 boxes not just 2 like a normal six speed.
  22. I can do that I will get some. I parted out a 77 R model fire truck
  23. I have a front mount hale 750 GPM
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