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Everything posted by e9500v8

  1. Countryboy I never seen a v8 with a jake. My next one will be my first.
  2. Dry weight for E9 is right around 3000
  3. Welcome!! Stock could be anywhere from 20 to 25. I have a 88 500 bigger turbo and bigger injectors pump is tuned good. It is making 40! And she is an animal !!
  4. http://syracuse.craigslist.org/grd/3980936499.html Cute little thing and I think you could get it reasonable!!
  5. Also it should be a 67 cuz it has marker lights next to headlights. 68 would have them on side of hood. Am I correct?
  6. Jake switch is to left of key and you can clearly see it has the jake spacers!!
  7. I got new vent windows. Still in box. Make offer!
  8. How much for the auxiliary trans?
  9. Mine is not bent up it has just lost its shine where can I get it re dipped ? Maybe that will be easier and cheaper.
  10. Mine is bent back on the ends
  11. Did you ever find a service body ?
  12. Looking for a superliner 2 chrome front bumper with center tow. I have all the center tow stuff just need bumper itself. Thanks in advance!!
  13. David some superliners have shutters behind the radiator!!
  14. They are marine so they have no dynatard.
  15. Those look like non dynatard rockers are they ??
  16. Yes Dick is the one I'm thinking of sorry for the misunderstanding. I seen Stan and his superliner on the Ohio turnpike in mid June heading east and boy was it looking sharp!!!
  17. I might be thinking of someone else. Who is the guy down in columbiana county that has his own truck show every year? That is the guy that passed
  18. Stan died a day or 2 after his truck show last year.
  19. So he better put 2 coats of wax on it !!! That still might not be enough if Vinny comes!!
  20. Not Stan. Vinny I don't know if he has made up his mind what to do with it yet. Said he may trailer it to gearharts this fall though will u be there?
  21. I know who got it!! They not on here but it went to a pedigree home !!
  22. Have a single axle 4.00 ratio. Wondering if Mack made a faster ratio?
  23. 5/16 fine thread bolt threads into the top of injector.
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