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Everything posted by e9500v8

  1. Good luck !!
  2. As far as I know they should be the same our left hand drive r models have steps in the right tank just like they do the left tank and they both have the same mounting
  3. What is the brand of the air over electric one. I would be interested.
  4. Jack up the RR wheel put it in high gear release brakes and walla
  5. How do I remedy the mirror bracket from hitting the air cleaner? It is a 77 r686 dual intake air cleaner for tip turbine.
  6. I had an E-6 knocking under a load and all it was ,was a head stud broken off. PAI kits are good if you want to go cheaper.
  7. He tells me they only do you good if you are running over 3,000 RPM. He will rework your old manifolds. And make them like new he did a set for me. They turned out great!
  8. My E9 got 5.09 today not bad if you ask me. Could do a lot better if I got the 4.64 gears out of it.
  9. Where is cheapest place to buy a duralite cac ?
  10. Do you have cast or fabricated housings ? Cast ones are heavier but I don't know how much.
  11. Try mop and glow you will be surprised !!
  12. Have a block of wood ready to put over intake in case the rack is froze in the pump!
  13. If it has an air ride cab put new shocks on it that will help a lot !
  14. Being it ts a tractor I would not at all be afraid to put 34 springs under it. You know what YOUR truck is made of so don't overload it.
  15. Take the fuel line off at the primary filter that comes drone the tank. Blow shop air back through it make sure there is no restriction in it or pickup tube. I have had this happen before it was aggravating. It was the rivet out of the fuel cap it would suck it up the tube but not past the 90 at the top. When you shut truck off it would fall down. Then when you start it and not till you got on a hard pull would it suck back up in there. So I'm thinking every time you change the filter it is falling out of pickup tube. This is just a guess worth a shot if you haven't tried it yet !!
  16. Chrome depot has anything you want they are in mantua Ohio. They have an awesome website.
  17. As I was once told you have to have a tachometer ear !!
  18. They did make a Jacobs setup for a 4 valve E6 350 I have seen only 1 never ran it to see if it was better or not. But it would have to be an improvement.
  19. It is possible that only one head is working. The silinoid on the rocker shaft does go bad. Take valve covers off and flip switch and see if both go up and down.
  20. Could be a valve issue maybe hard facing off of a lifter I would check valves on that cylinder.
  21. Did you sell these yet ?
  22. Found out it is the same stand as a E6 or E7 so I had it covered !!
  23. PM sent
  24. I would like to build a shipping stand for an E9 anybody that could lead me to some blue prints would be very helpful thanks
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