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Everything posted by e9500v8

  1. Kit number is 14rc1131 that is the mack number and the pai number is FKT1148 Hope this helps you out!
  2. I am guessing your shift knob needs rebuilt. Mack has a kit but it is outrageously priced. PAI has it for around 50 bucks I think Mack gets around 100.
  3. I have an upgraded turbo on mine I got from Dale Francis it is pretty rad. But if I was going to buy another one I would get it from Antrum Diesel they are near hagerstown they are selling I think the same turbo for a lot less.
  4. It takes a special tool
  5. Just put a second one on mine and only put 25,000 on the first one!!!
  6. Check to see if you have air lock power divider.
  7. The U sure stands for Ugly
  8. I am 31 been around Mack all my life every picture of me when I was younger I was wearing a Mack Hat!! First truck I rode in was a B61 My father had several and still does! I myself own 2 superliners with E9 500 V8 in them . Mack is in my blood and will never ever own anything else !!! As long as I can still buy parts my superliners will last me a long time but parts for those motors are getting hard to find already. When I can no longer get parts for V8 I will just have to settle for and old 237 or 300 I got lots of them laying around to rob parts off of. Wont be near as fun to drive but will still be a Mack!
  9. I got it back in it was not easy but the grease held most of them up it definetly took two people!! But she is up and running better than ever . While she was down I put some bigger injectors in her what a difference!!
  10. The same lifter is used in the e6 e7 and e9 ! I know it has to do with volvo and they are really starting to piss me off!!
  11. Has anyone priced lifters lately ?? WOW your jaw will drop !!! 197.13 each from Mack and 107 From PAI !! There is a set on ebay right now for 30 a piece not a bad deal if someone is in need. I think i will just use some used ones for that!
  12. I got it out. I am just going to put grease on them when i put it back in hope it works!
  13. Cam will not come out of block it moves back and forth about a 1/4 inch. What am I doing wrong?
  14. The tach drive on them there motors suck the tach drive cracks and then the pin just spins inside the hole very common!
  15. Post that in your front yard 41Chevy!!!!
  16. Off 87 superliner duel stack cutout very rare 36 inch all mounting brackets good shape Mack 750 dollars delivery available -call 740 - 441-7393
  17. There is one on Craig's list for 750 I will try to find it
  18. Yes it is NOS ! I have not unfolded it to c if it falls apart I really don't have a clue what to get out of it. I also have a couple sets of B vent windows in NIB !!! 3000 a set!
  19. Yes I did put one on eBay I have a few other new body panels also !! Tbone I have an original b model floor mat brand new.
  20. I have 2 brand new floor boards still in box if interested call Allen 330-554-3178 thanks
  21. I do know that U-Bolt torque is1800 ! And it sure makes bushings last alot longer if you torque them proper!!!!!
  22. Found it thanks Rob !! They can make them pretty wild ?? Have you ever sent one to Columbus diesel? I assume you have sent one to Thompson before and had good luck? Or do you know them people?
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