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let it loose

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Everything posted by let it loose

  1. Wow, thats just the kind of info i was looking for. I have a free ride down there next week so i'm going to go check it out. So far it sounds like nothing but trouble but at least i'll have some recent news to tell when i get back. Thanks man... You just explained this for me too: http://neworleans.craigslist.org/trp/1983740774.html
  2. I'll be heading down there next week to find out more information. I have spoken to one company and was told i could not see the job site untill i signed a contract. Funny thing was i had only asked if there was an office or a person i could meet with. Thanks man, the DM is a beast!
  3. Bringing back an oldie here! I was looking into this as well, does anyone have any information about New Orleans dump trucking?
  4. Yep, mine is the 900 series, the flasher was under the dash to the left. It's a two prong style and the problem was only a dirty connection. Works great now after a bit of cleaning!
  5. Hey man, yeah i've been running one truck for the past year or so. It's an old '72 all black R model. I'm right across 370 from Revell, though i have never met him or any of the guys.
  6. Thanks man and yeah i would be too! I already found some good info on a problem i have with my '72.
  7. Good story Rob, glad your still alive at least. Haha! Thanks for the welcome and i look forward to the entertainment.
  8. Well alright... thank you gentlemen!
  9. Yeah i wasn't sure if it would have the same setup like some cars do or not. I will give it a look tomorrow and hopefully find it. I'm guessing these are the same one's you can find at a auto parts store?
  10. My 1972 R Model dump blinker's will work and the hazard's come on, they just stay lit and don't flash. Does anyone know what controls the blinker and hazard's to flash?
  11. I run a couple of Mack dump's around the St. Louis area, been in business a whole year now. hahaha! Anyhow, just wanted say hello.
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