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Everything posted by 1970Rmodel

  1. Just to let all you guys know, no matter what Volvo's financial situation is, the Volvo Ocean Race will continue in fine fashion. They spend hundreds of millions of swedish kronars to sponsor that god foresaken event meanwhile laying off people all around the world. The volvo way.
  2. Navistar will bury everyone else. They do not use SCR on their smaller engines. They have banked enough emission credits to get them by whilst they properly develop SCR for the small engines if ever at all. The SCR on their big blocks is well done, as well as freightliner's SCR, V*lv*'s SCR is a band-aid solution because they had SCR in europe and DPF in North America in 2007, and now for 2010 instead of designing 1 integrated system, they chose to just ADD the SCR portion on for North America and the DPF portion for europe. Please don't ask how I came about with all this information because I really cannot say, however just remember, everyone is in the same boat until they develop an ammonia re-circ system like Honda has on their european diesels. The design just needs to be scaled up for Class 8 trucks. Honda gave SCR the finger for 2010 in their diesel accord (60mpg). Kudos.
  3. Its in god's hands now, only he can stop this predator. But I would love to know that if your business plan is to "aquire, integrate, synergize and consolidate", what happens when it gets down to the last TWO ????
  4. I suspect that when Macks market share gets low enough Volvo will dump them like they did to many other companies.
  5. The MACK TEST CENTER in Allentown discovered the injector cup problem a few years ago, volvo was told to change them because copper injector cups were only lasting 25000 miles. The MACK E7 was a much simpler engine to work on, and it made reliable power. My 1970 R-model is still going strong with 820,000 miles, its never been apart. Oh, and wait till you see the SCR on the back of the refuse trucks. Just close your eyes and scream.
  6. Mack had 13.3% market share in 1999, and now 10 years after Volvo bought them, Mack has 7.5%. What happened here is simple - Volvo bought another competitor, then they "integrated" them with their poor data management systems and then they "synergized" their product for part cost savings on all models in purchasing of parts, this included commonizing many parts from the volvo models into the macks, the frames are now identical (with the exception of the LEU/MRU refuse models) as well as the engines, and many of the parts such as steps, deck plates, fuel tanks, etc. After that the final blow came which was "consolidation" of the Mack World Headquarters putting hundreds of people out of work, a very small percentage did re-locate to North Carolina where they have a far inferior presence and design validation facility vs Allentown PA. All the while more parts for the Mack are now made outside the USA than you can imagine but I guess thats the way it is for all OEMs nowadays since the Govt sold our jobs down the river with NAFTA and free trade with china etc., I.T. Support for volvo/mack is done from their site in BRAZIL and INDIA as well as many engineering fuctions with the exception of Customer Engineering based in Allentown PA (for now). However, on a positive note MACK is the ONLY CLASS 8 OEM still assembling trucks in the USA and let me tell you their Macungie Assembly plant is THE BEST truck plant in the world. They do it better, faster, and have very high quality people out there. With Volvo though, there is a pattern here,,, first they dismantled WHITE trucks, then they went thru AUTOCAR and what you see today as a VHD model is really an autocar/volvo combined truck, then they went after the big gun for construction market share in north america --- MACK.... who is next? very sad state of affairs in all this.
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