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Everything posted by chrisco302

  1. its cable driven ive seen the cable i wondered if they had a problem with snaping do you know about how much they cost and are they hard to replace. and thanks for all the help again
  2. also my tachometer is broke any body know what that could be i don't know if its just the gauge or what?
  3. ok well thanks for all the info
  4. do you know how the phenolic coupling fastens to the auxilary shaft im just trying to make sure its not going to fall off?
  5. Ive had the truck 8 years and don't really know the history on it haven't did a compression test but will check on doing that thanks to everyone for the help
  6. it looks simple i guess there are no tricks to it just wasnt sure how the shaft hooks up do you just slide it out and back in there is nothing i can mess up is there ?
  7. thats what i thought how hard are they to swap out ?
  8. 3208 cat will not start without ether after setting for a day if it sets for a hour or two it starts rite up anybody know what it could be ?
  9. my 87 r model has oil in the air is there anything it could be besides the compressor ?
  10. not a lot of work going on

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