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vision386 last won the day on January 30 2020

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About vision386

  • Birthday 01/10/1963


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    Mack, brockway trucks,antique and classic cars,model building,collecting die-cast cars and trucks,vintage trucking memorabilia,drawing reading,classic trucks in general,especially the B and R-models
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  1. I saw a junior pickup in eastern PA years ago with a huge "NOT FOR SALE" sign on it,i talked to the owner anyway out of curiosity,the truck need to be restored but he had turned down offers north of 80K for it!....................................Mark
  2. Very nice work! your engine detail is some of the best I've seen! first class work all around!..............................................Mark
  3. We did not have Good Humor trucks in South Jersey,we had "Mister Softee" I can remember that sound like it was yesterday!................they are still around in certain areas......................Mark
  4. Mike,that old iron never looked better!..................................................Mark
  5. Ron,best wishes for a Happy Birthday,hope its a good one!..........................Mark
  6. The one im looking for has a rounded nose and stake sides I think? I couldn't find a good picture of the one I remember...............................Mark
  7. My guess would be a Smith-Miller too,better get out your wallet! the reproductions are getting more expensive than the originals! Paul,you mentioned Tootsietoys,you wouldn't happen to have a junk flatbed lying around would you? I'm restoring a B-Model with the Texaco tanker and an L-Model I'd like to pair up with the flatbed?................................................Mark
  8. I respect and understand DCR's opinion,everyone (including myself) did indeed start somewhere,but these "driving school drop-outs" are becoming the bane of the trucking industry! One difference is that I WANTED to be a driver like my Dad and Grand-Dad,was'nt a "last ditch effort" after failing at everything else. I do more and cover more ground in a day then most of these nood-nicks do in a week! And therefore cannot afford to be held up at every stop by someone who doesn't have the skill or desire to do a proper job. My Grand-Dad used to have an expression for this,"If you want to be a Lumberjack,you should be able to hold up your end of the log"! I am sure some of the big carriers have some decent drivers,problem is I just don't see them anywhere? Not everyone is cut out for life on the road,and that has never been more apparent to me then in the past few years,some of the things I see people do in a truck on almost a daily basis scares the S**T outta me! Some of what I see getting out of trucks isn't much better,what happened to pride in profession? Bathing? clean clothes? Deoderant? shoes? I manage to get cleaned up everyday,one way or another? Don't own flip-flops,sweatpants,or anything of the sort. I may be a dinosaur,but I represent my company in a professional manner,respect my customers,and my equipment to the tune of 3.5 million miles safe driving! run clean,safe equipment,and do what I say I'm going to do,right wrong or in-different!............Rants over,back to your regularly scheduled programming!.............................Mark
  9. I agree Mike,i think it will look a lot nicer with an original type bumper,but then I like the "Old School" look on a truck.....................................Mark
  10. vision386


    Got to see this in action today,Queens,NY Home Depot,single lane around the store to the docks,i'm number 3 in line,Swift is 1st, un-fortunately (for SWIFT) it's a blindside dock! well,after about an hour of pull up back up pull up back up, guy comes out of the store,starts raising hell with the "driver" who almost instantly starts crying! (It was a man) who was dressed like a woman! so the guy tells him either get backed in the dock,or go to the back of the line (about 15 trucks by now) well now this dipshit cant get out of the situation he put himself in going forward! guy looks at me, "Clark,can YOU get in there around this asshole"? Oh hell yeah! went around him while still trying to get moved out,backed in (one shot) shucked 43 pieces,bills signed,trailer doors closed BEFORE this guy got straight enough to pull forward! don't think I've seen that many pissed off truck drivers in a LONG time! Just one more reason just because your un-employment runs out,does'nt mean you should be a truck driver!....................................Mark
  11. Good to see you check in Bud! I haven't dropped off the edge yet either,just balls to the wall with stops! and here I thought people were broke? if so,who's buying all this damn furniture?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! truck safe my friend!....................Mark
  12. Looking good Mike! G-Model looks great with the 5-holers up front!.........................................Mark
  13. No Huskiepup by any means,but I have seen 361's both with and without the ribs in the hood,not sure if it was done for added strength?.................................................Mark
  14. Paul.ordered mine this morning! been waiting for a 361 series for years!.............................................Mark
  15. If any of you guys see a old school baseball hat with a "Horner Mack" banner on it,please pick it up for me and I will reimburse the cost and shipping........mark
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