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Everything posted by vision386

  1. It wont hurt anything to use it like that till your next PM................................Mark
  2. Best thing to do is just steam that shit off,i recommend (and use) Dupont Marine Teflon Grease,its waterproof,lasts a long time,and this won't happen,only thing is,it ain't cheap! and not always easy to find!...............................Mark http://images.search.yahoo.com/images/view;_ylt=A0PDoTBGt_FQqmgAqf2JzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTBlMTQ4cGxyBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1n?back=http%3A%2F%2Fimages.search.yahoo.com%2Fsearch%2Fimages%3Fp%3Ddupont%2B%2Bgrease%26n%3D30%26ei%3Dutf-8%26y%3DSearch%26fr%3Dyfp-t-701-1%26tab%3Dorganic%26ri%3D89&w=236&h=250&imgurl=www2.dupont.com%2FConsumer_Lubricants%2Fen_US%2Fassets%2Fimages%2Fproducts%2FDBI_Consumer_GREASE_16oz_MARINE_1004.gif&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww2.dupont.com%2FConsumer_Lubricants%2Fen_US%2Fproducts%2Fmarine_waterproof_grease.html&size=24.5+KB&name=DBI_Consumer_%3Cb%3EGREASE%3C%2Fb%3E_16oz_MARINE_1004.gif&p=dupont++grease&oid=710f28ca1f9a1d812c5120fb041a9da9&fr2=&fr=yfp-t-701-1&tt=DBI_Consumer_%253Cb%253EGREASE%253C%252Fb%253E_16oz_MARINE_1004.gif&b=61∋=220&no=89&ts=&tab=organic&sigr=12nig0r80&sigb=13ld7trj8&sigi=139mr3ddt&.crumb=QQnrkekp0jP
  3. Yup,just got wet,what kind of grease are you using Tom?................................................Mark
  4. You buy it Ernie,an i'll drive it! LOL!.......................................Mark
  5. Man! thats a sharp looking truck,wish i was in the market,or i'd jump on it! but 21 K's a little steep for my "hobby" truck budget! doubt you'll have nuch trouble selling it,you just dont see this set-up for sale very often anymore.................................Mark
  6. I can just about hear that straight pipe on that Schuldt & Sons lowboy tractor!.....................................................................Mark
  7. Horner Macks' Vineland,NJ, former R-model,bought by then driver Johnny Lilla,who ran it for years,sold to Louis Barber Millville,NJ after the trucks retirement......................................Mark
  8. Pretty much gotta start from a grease stain!.............................................Mark
  9. Awsome truck! thanks for posting the pictures,i don't know much about fire apparatus (vintage or modern) but this is called a sedan style cab?..............................................Mark
  10. Got home today,had a special birthday surprize waiting for me,Mrs. Vision had re-newed my ATHS membership,AND sent away for this nifty copy of the original patent for the Mack bulldog!.........................................Mark
  11. LOL! i hear ya'! guess its all what you're used to!..........................Mark
  12. Lacey Township,NJ.........................................Mark
  13. Kenneth Levari and sons,Rosenhayn,NJ..............................................Mark
  14. Said it before,i'll say it again,get you one of these,and there won't be any need for chaining,tarping,straps,etc.!....................................................Mark
  15. Are you talking about model truck decals?...........................................Mark
  16. Glad to hear all is going good! both jobwise and familywise!...............................................Mark
  17. Wife likes Scrubs (shes an RN) works with a real-life "Doctor Cox"!...................................Mark
  18. Bout' the only show i really enjoyed watching the last few years,always made me laugh!......................................Mark
  19. Sal's a great guy! and though this is not exactly the way i would "do up" a truck either,i am always glad to see a Mack preserved, over say a "dime-a-dozen" pete or KW......................................Mark
  20. He still have that old Allied Van Lines single axle moving van sitting on the top of the pile? geez,that things been there forever!..................................................Mark
  21. Cliff Lane hand-made all those wooden signs on the nose of his trailers,i can't remember exactly what they meant,but really nice work!............................Mark
  22. Any of those guys come from Philly? if so maybe they remember this truck and driver,this guy was legendary!................................Mark
  23. I think thats what killed my uncle! he worked for Arthur for 45 years!...................................Mark
  24. Almost forgot the New Penn trucks!................................Mark
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