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Everything posted by vision386

  1. Well,it could be worse,i see that my beloved (ex) homestate of New Jersey is trying to pass the "gay marriage" bullshit! sure enough,Jerseys starting to seem a lot like little california these days,hopefully the hardline governor will send them packing (not literally of course!)......................................Mark
  2. Here ya are! both storebought,and homemade!..........................................Mark
  3. I wish i could find a picture,but i had an old "overdrive" magazine that had an advertizement for a "fold-out" accordian type add on sleeper (think of an army cot,hanging off the back of a daycab) not sure what brand this one is,but i always kinda liked the aluminum "Mercury" sleepers,pretty rare to find one in one piece these days.......................Mark
  4. AAAAARRRRRGGGGH! why? that Mack did'nt do anything to anyone! LOL!..................................Mark
  5. Never had pierogies? my,my,you dont know what your missing! kind of a polish version of ravioli,stuffed with mashed potatoes,onions etc.absoulutely delicious! there are some "storebought" types you can make and try at home,but i'm sure Tim would agree,their just not like homemade! iffn ya ever get a chance,give em' a try!......................... BTW best wishes for a happy birthday to you both!..........................Mark
  6. I never thought the Nash Metropolitan was all that bad,however the Rambler station wagon,or most any Rambler for that matter,leaves something to be desired!....................Mark
  7. vision386


    Just think of the possible outcome,little feller looks alot like his pappy?.................................Mark
  8. Geez! had almost forgot about the Edsel! whata turd! heres another uggo from 59'!..........................................Mark
  9. Gotta agree Tom! these thing look like a washing machine on wheels!...................................................Mark
  10. Sure looks like SOMETHING popped up!........................................Mark
  11. The small town i'm from in Jersey still has an R-190 Binder that does back-up plow duty should one of the other trucks be down. Been garage kept since new,i know the township maintence supervisor (now retired) he told me the engine had never been apart,and was one of the best trucks (non-Mack) that they ever bought.......................Mark
  12. The only car that i can remember being traumatized by was my aunt/uncles 1960 plymouth valiant,had to ride with them to a wedding once when i was a kid,still have the occaisional nightmare,wost part was it was a metallic lilac (purple) with a white interior!.............................Mark
  13. Very true,i have passed a few,seen only tops of heads,hands on steering wheel............kinda like the "kilroy was here" cartoon!..................................Mark
  14. LMAO! pacer (and gremlin) both on my list!...........................Mark
  15. No,had'nt seen that one,i agree new cars are much safer than they used to be! gotta few on the ugly list myself! 1959 was not kind to any of the car makers in my opinion...........Mark
  16. I agree,i see a lot of "brand X" trucks with those visors and have often wondered how you would see to drive? i dont care what anyone says,visibility has to suffer no matter what the application..........dangerous in my opinion...........................................Mark
  17. vision386


    Saw one of these for sale beside the road on my way home today,and had to laugh! UGLIEST car GM ever built (in my opinion) and thats coming from a GM man through and through! obviously we are all "truck guys" but seems 99 percent of us on here also like old/vintage,modern cars as well. Thought it would be interesting to see others opinions of what the ugliest car ever made was?...................................Mark
  18. Good looking truck for sure! nice to see one done tastefully and not all "goobered up" with too much bullshit...........kinda reminds me of another one that i always liked!............Mark
  19. Nice pics Vin! thats what a truck should look like,personally i never cared for the full fenders covering the tandems,but to each his own................................Mark
  20. Like to mirror the others comments by saying thanks as well,i sure enjoy seeing pictures like these,its always a great find when something like this turns up un-expectedly,lost in an old shoebox,photo album,attic etc.................................................Mark
  21. Ats a good un!.................................Mark
  22. Well,being as you asked for opinions,thought i'd add my two cents! you gotta' go east coast style my friend! Mack red,blue or green (preferable) on both the cab and body,then you gotta backdate to dayton wheels an' paint em' RED! ask BULLHUSK,Ernie prolly tell you the same thing! only way to avoid this( and gettin laughed at up Jersey way) is with a "lunimin" body you can go with the old style black and yellow safety stripes on the front bumper,this is acceptable too,maybe even pinstripes,but then your getting into new england territory,and out of my juristiction....................................Mark
  23. Yup,fifties DC-series Autocar for sure.......................................Mark
  24. I thought you WAS a link (missing)!...................................Mark
  25. LOL! i'd sure like to see your trucks sometime,you know the ones?.LOL!...................................Mark
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