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Everything posted by vision386

  1. Nah, i don't have or want to do a "facebook" don't really have any need for it,anyway my wife says she thinks i'd be better off with a hammer&chisel and a stone tablet to do my "messaging" think she's tryin' to tell me something!..........Mark
  2. If i had the time/ extra money i'd go get this one in a heartbeat! i always thought the "L" cab was sharp on a B-model, but i think when the time comes,i'm gonna start looking for a single axle B-61,thats what i started in so thats kinda what i'd like to have for a project. The guy up in NJ still has my grandads truck but does'nt want to sell,but i think he will eventually!.......Mark
  3. Yup,i have learned my lesson! from now on i will make my wife to all my "linky" type posting LOL!......GUNNERY SGT. Mark
  4. Nah, don't worry about that! you've heard the old saying about comin off a grade too fast right? you can come down too slow a whole lotta' times,but you're only gonna' come down too fast once! now my 460 is equipped with a jacobs retarder,and like you said,it will put you up against the dash! but granted i don't pull the kind of weight you do,not westbound anyway. biggest majority of my outbound freight is less than 15,000lbs. but i do backhaul some heavy shit sometimes, and i take it real easy on the grades myself! nothing at all to feel goofy about! i drive at the speed I'M comfortable at, and try to avoid western COLO. if at all poss!............Mark
  5. Yup, nice to see ya' back rob!,i been takin' quite a beatin'on here today! LOL!...........U-boat commander Mark
  6. Got home early this am,kinda' lazy today,we're gonna have bubbaburgers, nice homemade garden cucumber salad, bush baked beans! not even thinking about draggin my ass to work before monday, saddle sore! tired, been a long dam 2 weeks!..........ARCHBISHOP Mark
  7. NNNAAAHHH! i don't believe it! you, dr. randy make a mistake?!.seems dam near impossible!......Capt.Mark
  8. Hey jay,thanks for getting that link up there! randyps killin' me here today LOL!.....one little mistake LOL!.....................Mark
  9. No s**t!!! at that price i gotta' REALLY nice CX i'd like to sell! might even come down a bit if i had to!........Mark
  10. I've seen a lot of guys do this with a truck,cut a hole in the back of the bunk,put a window unit in,but NEVER seen anything like this! thats some real "artful" engineering right there!........Mark
  11. Dammit boy! i can really feel the love today! LOL! sometimes my wife says she thinks i'd be better off with a hammer and chisel, stone tablet to send messages!..Mark
  12. Tony,thats gotta be frustrating especially in your line of work! a load of furniture is not going to go bad,but sometimes i'm sure you respond to people with some serious "situations" i know what you mean about narrowing it down too! i once stopped to help a woman who appeared to be broke down on the shoulder of I-5,she had a flat tire,had no idea where she was,got her fixed up, asked her where she was coming from/going she was coming from reno,headed to oakland,she had gotten on the 5 south,and was just north of bakersfield! i asked again,said well,she was supposed to be on I-5,but did'nt know for how long,claimed she never saw any signs for frisco at all! i informed her she was now closer to LA than frisco by about a days travel! but of course she did'nt believe me!!.........Mark
  13. Yeah ernie i know the one you mean,that fire dept. was'nt too far from me before i moved this was a NICE truck! i looked at it myself,they told me the reason they were getting rid of it was it did'nt have power steering and was tooo hard to get around in tight spots.........Mark
  14. Thats what i'm talkin' about! hell i only paid $101,400 for my truck brand new !!........Mark
  15. Prof.randy ? i'm right there with you! computer retarded! if it was'nt for my wife i don't know what i'd do! if you want to see this truck go to craigslist,click on north carolina, type in mack B-73 classic complete $5000 and you should be able to see it i musta messed somthin' up ! Mark
  16. Found this one last night,this looks to be a pretty good solid truck, i always liked the "L" cab on a B-model ................Mark B-73[/url
  17. Now that sounds like a plan! i ain't very far,looks like you're only about 55-60 miles from me, i'm just south of martinsville right where 220 and 87 intersect,i'm about 8 miles north of eden,NC time gets closer maybe we can all make plans to get together, kinda make a day of it, i been doin some damn hard runnin' and i could sure use a break!............Mark
  18. Yeah im right ther with you! i been getting a lot of this s**t lately!, only problem is sometimes joe in shipping does'nt know where he or his place of business is either! place i just delivered to,mailman and the local fire house had no ides where it was either! go figger!!!.......Mark
  19. Hey jay, whata'ya think this guys been smoking??? $50,000 am i reading that right? and a 1974 R-model for $130,000! c'mon this guys cracked!.......Mark
  20. Can't help you a bit there! never understood that system myself, course theres not a lot of brain activity going on in utah,just my opinion!.......Mark
  21. Oh i hear ya'! just seems to be getting a more complicated world everyday! i get some really funny looks when i tell people i don't have/use a GPS, don't use a laptop to do my thinking for me, don't have/use a "smartphone" (don't know or care what an "APP" is!) i guess i'm just oldschool, just not into the technology that seems to be taking over the world! i can remember a time in a far far away place when good common sense still existed! used to be just the "four wheelers" now i think that there are just as many a**holes in trucks as there are cars, not a day goes by that i don't see some random act of stupidity performed by a professional "trucker" just makes us all look bad, and people wonder why the trucking industry has such a bad reputation........Mark
  22. Just have had a very trying day! i know a lot of you guys are not drivers,but do you know where you live/work? i get so tired of calling customers for appointments/directions and they have no godamn idea how to tell you how to get there! sometimes they "think" they are past the 3rd light,no,no maybe the 5th! once you go by that, go past where the old bowling alley used to be (how the hell am i supposed to know where the damn bowling alley used to be!) then turn right, no no maybe thats a left! are people really getting this stupid? love it when they leave out the "little details" like the 10'7" bridge on the outskirts of town, or that the road is 10' wide most of the way! oh yeah, you're in a truck right? is it a big one? then theres the automated phone messages! does ANYONE answer their phone anymore? and WHY THE HELL DO I HAVE TO PRESS 1 FOR ENGLISH????? sorry just my rant for the day!.......Mark
  23. The one i got to ride in was restored by the confederate air force a good number of years ago, though this is not the same plane,this is one i got to have an up-close and personal look at. this one is one permanent display just outside of pensacola,FL.......Mark
  24. Just gotta' look at your priorities, superliner does'nt come around everyday!....just sayin' is all !.........Mark
  25. Thats quite a truck! beautiful restoration as well! never seen a B with an allison before,was'nt sure if it was somethig that even existed.........Mark
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