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Pedigreed Bulldog
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    Long Island NY

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  1. Nice work,congrats to u all….
  2. Merry Christmas to all you truck lovers,enjoy…❤️
  3. Up would be on and that knob at the very top should turn to adjust the tension going to the Parker shoes,probably needs a good going through at this point..
  4. That would be your parking brake lever,should be a drum type brake up against the transmission..
  5. The hard part on an RD is the cab sits close to the rails..
  6. Pretty much the way I did it on my cl but found a cl or ch bracket and had to alter it a little after all said and done came out great, might have pictures somewhere..I know I have better photos,see if I can find them..
  7. Hope everyone has an awesome day…
  8. One thing for sure that truck has some clean rails,did it spend its life down South?
  9. MACKS

    Best of Trump

    Anybody notice the news hasn’t been reporting on the Russia and Ukraine war the past few days,I mean not even a peep?🤔🤷‍♂️
  10. That’s the way I would go,then remove fifth wheel and plate should be plenty of room to sand blast and paint,chances are the trunnion caps and bolts will need replace anyway..
  11. Well good luck and I hope u take a lot of pictures. along the way..
  12. Ok my bad, u want to remove the A frame also,man I wouldn’t attempt that..lol
  13. Yup torque rods to but what 10.5 locking nut,I’m talking about the. Trunnion caps under the truck not the ones on the ends of the bar, probably a better word for the ones I’m talking about..
  14. The only thing holding the bogies on is the two trunnion caps underneath the trunnion bar right,once removed jack up the rails disconnect drive shaft,and air lines and roll em out..
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