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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by MACKS

  1. Never had one of those on any of my five Macks, all had 58 rears and all of them had a grease fitting there,just saying.🤷‍♂️.
  2. Good for you,that’s the way to go,get it done right and don’t look back..
  3. Same here,if the bushings and bar are not worn what good would it do since there is zero movement plus there are grooves cut in the bushings for the grease to flow into and move all around the bar,I just grease the chit out of mine and yes it gets past the seal and even squirts outofthe trunnion cap a little,works for me she’s tight as a drum..
  4. Had this problem on my 12 speed,it was the o rings in the shift cylinder on top of the tranny,see if u can get an o ring kit for it before taking it apart,mine were very hard to match up,I did it twice to install the correct o rings..
  5. Beautiful,I’m thinking 237 with a 5 or 6 speed..
  6. Well keep us posted,would love to have a decent engine brake on my 96 cl,as I said it’s pretty useless as is..
  7. I guess if the cam is for a dynadard a jake won’t even work,is that correct?
  8. Dynatard brakes are pretty useless in my opinion,jake is the way to go if u can..
  9. Well that’s me,old school..😏
  10. With the truck at idle spray some starting fluid on your charge air connections and hoses and pipes..
  11. MACKS

    Shop Talk

    What brand did u get,the over the counter hearing aids from Bose popped up on my f book feed recently,Bose always made decent stuff..🤷‍♂️
  12. MACKS

    Shop Talk

    Wow that’s bad..
  13. MACKS

    Shop Talk

    Wow that’s crazy..
  14. Should be stamped on the rim ..
  15. With the stack that high I don’t think the noise should be a problem in the cab,should sound good outside tho..
  16. I’m sure the bugs and other critters enjoyed the snack..😂
  17. Feel better soon,be careful..😵‍💫
  18. Maybe not even 15 hp when working properly but if u have a fan like mrsmackPaul has that’s always locked on that’s a different story ..
  19. Not sure how much hp they eat up but the way the engine and the truck performs will amaze you,you’ll think your driving a different truck,do it if u can..
  20. Lol,there’s no reason to hold it just start the truck cold and shut it down,the fan should keep spinning..
  21. It should spin easily when cold,I had one that was locked up man what a difference in that truck when I changed it out,like night and day..
  22. See if u can easily spin the fan when the truck is cold..
  23. If the compression was that bad it would have major blow by I would think no?
  24. Can u pressurize the fuel tank and look for leaks in the fuel lines..
  25. Yes it’s a good oil for that engine..
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