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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by MACKS

  1. Get a brand name part like PAI ..
  2. So we’re getting a little bump in our SS payments,8.7 %, about time..
  3. MACKS

    Shop Talk

    Damn that’s a lot of deer,can’t imagine the damage they do..
  4. MACKS

    Shop Talk

    Nice,your the only one I know,in person or on line that has a 45-70 ,I have a single shot,forget the make off hand but that’s one beast of a gun..lol
  5. Yup super heavy,if u decide to pull the spoke and drum this is the way to go,brake has to be fully backed off or disconnected,jack it up under the box,remove cone and outer bearings,slide a greased up smooth board under the tires,plywood works best say 16 inches by 4 ft,lower the truck just enough for the tires to contact the board,the spindle should be centered in the hub,give it a good pull and they will slide right off,reinstall the same way,u won’t believe how easy they will slide off and on, Safety First always,good luck..
  6. Are u pulling the spokes and wheels together,are u familiar with the greased up board method,saves u a ton of work..
  7. The last one I put in my truck snapped together and u had to push the pin in if I remember right,it’s a lot easier if u have small hands but that’s not my case😡
  8. Probably broke and fell out but should be laying up in there somewhere,buy a two piece brake and install,kind of a pain if u never done one before,,
  9. I would like to give them a through inspection before deciding to re bush them or not...😂
  10. Ok yeah definitely check them when there level,also I was told to check them hot otherwise the top will leak down and give u a false reading..
  11. The air bags have nothing to do with it,check the bottom plug hot,after a run..
  12. Have a good one Guys n Gals…
  13. As for the outer rail I would heat it and whack it with a big sledge,if u don’t use heat your gonna crack it..
  14. You can install a block heater if it doesn’t have one already,well worth the effort..
  15. Take that one off bring it with u an get one made,with that type of end fitting u can make your own,just buy the right size hose,easier to get one made tho..
  16. Has any one else seen one of the buckets brake like that because in never even heard of one breaking,something was very wrong there..
  17. Great once u get your foot on it,but that’s the tricky part..lol
  18. And yes I do have that huge grated pedal,it’s so frigging huge..lol
  19. Thank u I do need the rubber bumper..
  20. Has anybody customized the clutch pedal in there cl,It’s so big and so high it’s hard to get your foot on it and the older I get the worse it Gets,can’t do much about the height I guess but maybe make it smaller by at least half..
  21. On a side note,I was told many years ago to always check the rears hot as soon as u park the truck or you will get a false reading because some lube from the top of the carrier will drain down to the bottom making it look full or even over full..
  22. Here it is this is a pai kit,not sure where I ordered it just google it you’ll find it,this not only fixed the air leaking from the exhaust port but I also had a problem shifting into reverse when it got cold out like neat freezing,this also fixed that problem..let us know how it works out,like I said it’s any easy fix but use the kit,the o rings are a little different then you’ll find elsewhere..
  23. fjh got it right,it’s the shift cyl that causes that problem,there is a kit for this,that’s the way to go,to hard to match them up,I tried,I may have the kit number,will check tonight,very easy job..
  24. After inflated the cab should sit perfectly level,to check shocks pull down on cab while standing on the ground,it should bounce up one time,kinda like checking the shocks on a car..
  25. MACKS

    Shop Talk

    I like the fuel filter placement,is that original?
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