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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by MACKS

  1. Fell better,nothing more painful then burns..
  2. Tires are gone..
  3. Try Stengel bros on line they might be able to. help u out..
  4. My 96 cl always made a heck of a squeal when I engage the parking brake
  5. Hey Guys I have 12 Cooper Roadmaster tire casings,never been capped,Free to anyone here,must pick up on Long Island, NY..
  6. Problem here is our government throws our money away,all the money they give to other country’s we could easily have free medical and much more..
  7. I use one of two things,gas or the acid wash I use on my aluminum body then sand them with a small electric sander,then paint them up with Rustolium wheel paint..
  8. Well have u ever used your wife’s pickup for business purposes,of course u have..😏
  9. 80,000 new IRS Auditors coming soon,let see if they can suck a little more blood out of the working Men and Women ..
  10. Definitely plank,most likely vinyl I would think although I’ve seen some trucks use hardwood type planks..
  11. Yup already have that and my switch is outside the cab,that’s where it was when I bought the truck and that’s where it stayed..lol
  12. Hey fellow dump truckers I need a new tarp motor and forgot what I bought last time,does 50/1 gear reduction sound right,don’t want one a slow poke,Carolina tarp has one for 129 with excellent reviews,that’s a great price I think..
  13. I have a mess of air lines on my 12 speed but there all marked on both ends with little colored wire tie and everything is marked,the selector valve and the air cylinders are marked to..
  14. It sucks when people don’t know what there doing,it wasn’t broke when u brought it in,they probably screwed up the air lines first and then who knows what the hell they did,I wouldn’t pay them a dime over your agreed price..
  15. How did the rear suspension job turn out,nice n tight now?
  16. No beads,found one more tire,still need three more,probably on ship out at sea..lol
  17. Sounds to me like they screwed up,several weeks to install a clutch?
  18. Welcome,where in Va are u,Delmarva?
  19. The fact is we’re pulling oil out of our reserve’s to ease the price here but still shipping millions of barrels to China,right now our reserves are getting dangerously low and how will we replace it,or is that part of this misguided administrations plan..
  20. Use to use the white on the engine mount charge air cooler,wow that stuff was awesome..
  21. Pick up. Tube of Goop at Blows,cheap stuff that works amazing,you’ll find tons of use for it..
  22. Sounds like a job for the bike tube on the fuel tank fill spout,air it up an look for leaks..
  23. So a few weeks ago I bought the four Double Coin with the intention of buy four more now,well forget that can’t find em anywhere,wtf,I’ll give it a couple of weeks and if they don’t show up some place I’ll have to mix them with a different brand tire,unreal..
  24. I would start with a new fuel pump,not that expensive or at least they weren’t and then go from there..
  25. My 96 E-7 350 tops out at 27 to 28 on a hill if I give it full fuel if that’s any help..
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